I don't mind playing logging truck roulette. It's part of the job and I drive one myself occasionally. They're usually paying better attention than most people give them credit for. Accidents are time consuming, noisy, and require a lot of paperwork afterward. Everybody hates that. The log truck drivers are the least of my worries.
The ones that scare me are the foresters and "logging engineers". They seem to think that their increased level of responsibility gives them some special right of way status that the rest of us haven't keyed in to yet. It's always interesting to see how far up the bank they can go with their pickup when confronted with 80,000 pounds of logging truck on a blind curve or steep grade. It's also fun when they meet a loaded truck in a steep switchback and park their pickup on the high side of the turn. Eventually they figure out why the truck driver won't move down to the inside of the turn and they make a better choice. Eventually. :smile2: