Firewood Hoarder, Axe Enthusiast
Got about 7 axes bits honed, dressed, and oiled. All good choppers. Got the chains on three saws with fresh filing, but the 3/8 lowpro on my CS-400 was shot, so I picked up another chain that I'll give a good filing and that's it for my tools.
The beer was close transferred into the keg cold as soon as I home about 90 minutes ago. Put it on gas at 45 psi, should carb up somewhat by tomorrow morning, but a lively drive through the piedmont to Steve's property ought to agitate more gas into solution. I'll let it settled at serving pressure for a bit while we have fun, then it'll be ready to serve by the time we eat.
The beer was close transferred into the keg cold as soon as I home about 90 minutes ago. Put it on gas at 45 psi, should carb up somewhat by tomorrow morning, but a lively drive through the piedmont to Steve's property ought to agitate more gas into solution. I'll let it settled at serving pressure for a bit while we have fun, then it'll be ready to serve by the time we eat.