Pioneer fan
ArboristSite Operative
Got the new seals in the Mall11. got her all buttoned up, and was hoping to test fire it today. Got side-tracked, so i will try tomorrow.
I am ready to go, square ground on order.
Do I need to bring my own extension cord? :hmm3grin2orange:
Its getting closer everyday!!!
Got a Mac 125 running good.... and the BIG Homelite running good..... A big Stihl running good....
The 610 twin is running good....
Think I'm almost ready :msp_w00t:
LOL, Do I need to bring a generator along?
Hook it to 220 and watch this thing go!!!!!!!!!!:msp_w00t::msp_w00t:
Ok me and ernie need a show of hands who will be coming , and a list of food and drinks that will be brought to gtg ,
Thanks for everybodys support , we hope this gtg will lead up to bigger and better gtgs in the future , right now the weather is real crappy in va. and it has my attention.
David :msp_thumbup:
I'll be coming alone - with just a couple saws for company.
Dave and/or Dean send me a PM with a suggestion as to what is needed. I'll be hoteling it the night before some where close. Let me know if I can help with set-up as well.
I'll bring a big pot of chili. Roll Tide, Young, Jon, and myself.