Chain teeth

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Nobody thinks AS will go under MB. The point is that a valuable member was lost, one who contributed interesting and insiteful material.
Sure in his place there may be 15 posters that ask how tight to run their chain or what ratio to mix his oil, and if all you want is traffic, that's fine, but Gypo will be missed by most people, no matter what you personally think of him.
Who made mention of the Gypo posting on another site?Perhaps it's so!If it's the site often alluded to and operated by an a-site sponsor,I've not seen any posting,nor pictures.Fact is,I haven't seen much of anything.There is a certain west coaster that has put on some very nice pictures of the timber country of northern Cal.,but that's about it.I know I am not banned there,because I was never a member.Is this stuff hidden,or am I reading too much into this?Fact is,I visit several sites,not all that are connected with the so called"green industry",and I've never seen any poster to even resemble the fellow in question.Does this guy exist,really?Inquisitive minds want to know. ;)
I just checked it out,Ed,he is ,in fact ,over yonder,so to speak.I must of missed it on my first scan. ;)