Chainsaw Pete
ArboristSite Operative
How long do you run the chain saw's air filter before changing it out for a new one (or cleaning it if it is a permanent type)?
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I usually swap the filters out every year. I usually clean up storm downed trees in our suburb for friends but this year I've not only been doing that with a friend on his 12 acre farm (w/ his sugar bush), but we have been bucking the trees down for firewood. This afternoon I was surprised at how much sawdust had accumulated on the filter. The saw was running fine - but I changed out the filter.
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I usually swap the filters out every year. I usually clean up storm downed trees in our suburb for friends but this year I've not only been doing that with a friend on his 12 acre farm (w/ his sugar bush), but we have been bucking the trees down for firewood. This afternoon I was surprised at how much sawdust had accumulated on the filter. The saw was running fine - but I changed out the filter.