Hydraulic brake dyno
1. If you have a hydraulic pump big enough ...
2. Pump sprocket big enough to reduce pump RPM to prevent cavitation...
3 High resolution Pressure gauge before outlet variable restrictor that you mentioned ,
and you track engine RPM you should be fairly good to go.
That is what I have on my 100HP motorcycle chassis brake dyno.
The pressure guage effectively IS your load cell/torque arm.

You will need a pretty big tank of oil or it will get hot enough to fry fish unless you build in a water intercooler. Viscosity change of the oil due to heating will make calibration and consistant reading very difficult.
Also IMO a hydraulic dyno is good for a load cell , it will be useful for relative readings, but "calibration" will be more problematic due to high internal losses at low engine power levels.
I plan to build a smaller engine dyno approx 30 HP with a few bar mount adaptors for my chainsaws.:msp_rolleyes:
good luck
1. If you have a hydraulic pump big enough ...
2. Pump sprocket big enough to reduce pump RPM to prevent cavitation...
3 High resolution Pressure gauge before outlet variable restrictor that you mentioned ,
and you track engine RPM you should be fairly good to go.
That is what I have on my 100HP motorcycle chassis brake dyno.
The pressure guage effectively IS your load cell/torque arm.

You will need a pretty big tank of oil or it will get hot enough to fry fish unless you build in a water intercooler. Viscosity change of the oil due to heating will make calibration and consistant reading very difficult.
Also IMO a hydraulic dyno is good for a load cell , it will be useful for relative readings, but "calibration" will be more problematic due to high internal losses at low engine power levels.
I plan to build a smaller engine dyno approx 30 HP with a few bar mount adaptors for my chainsaws.:msp_rolleyes:
good luck