Why are you messing around with saws that cost $600 and $80-100 every time you take one to a dealer? Get you a good old iron-clad ProMac 610 or two and a good Echo 452VL both for around $100-150 and get to know Sam Alire in Las Vegas, retired Husky saw technician who still works on saws of all makes and models for local area wood-cutters and doesn't charge much to work over and tune a saw and sometimes takes payment in a case of beer. If it's not a Steal or Husky or Echo saw, it helps to get your own parts when you take a saw to Sam. He has a good little shop behind his house there in West Las Vegas about 4 blocks uphill from the San Miguel County Courthouse and is aces with tuning carbs for around 5500-7500 feet elevation. A lot of local loggers and woodcutters take their Mac 10-10's to him and I visit Sam about any make and model of the old chainsaws I have to get good technical advice and help.
With this drouth we've been having, there are going to be a lot more bug-killed pinon trees around Santa Fe since the pinons and juniper/cedars have invaded and taken over all the little foothills around there ever since the old woodcutters and their burros from 100-200 years ago quit keeping the trees cut back and hauled into town for $1-$2 a burro-load.
Good luck, do good work, and keep in touch.
Ken Garrison -- the Old Mac Guy