Had fun yesterday, woke up still a litte sore today. Thanks to everyone for a good time yesterday. Here's the start of the pictures.
Just this morning I was thinking that we should start a new thread for all of this charity cutting. What do you all think? We could name it something like The Wisconsin charity cuts for innerfaith caregivers, or something along those lines. Or The charity cutting and eating in Wisconsin thread.
Last bunch of pictures.
Unfortunately I am stuck in the house today, but I can hear what is going on outside and I don't know how you guys keep it up. I honestly don't know what Interfaith would have done without you. Denny and his dad could never have even thought of keeping up or even would they have known where to start. Thank you again. Thank you is never enough. Barb
I was thinking that when Denny takes delivery of the next batch of logs we could start a new thread-OR-make a generic Interfaith thread for all work in progress......:msp_confused:
Barb needs her own user account! BarbInterfaith What do you guys think?
I'm hoping to get to on of these.
Someone needs to bring a suppersplitter.
Looks like a lot of work got done!
How do I get my own account? Every time I open Arboristsite it comes up with DennyInterfaith. How do I change that.
Barb, way up on the top right will be a log out button. If you press that and log out, it will say "register/login" and you can sign yourself up. Just make sure Denny has his password before ya do that!
Is there an issue with having 2 accounts and the same computer ISP address. What tid the Dodgegeek family do?
We didn't have any problems. When I want to be on here I have to log in like everyone else and when Sarah wants to get on I need to log off. Can't both be logged in at the same time on same computer. But we can have one on the computer and the other on the phone which is what we often do.
I think I did it. I am BarbInterfaith. Wow ! ! I feel like part of the gang, even if I don't have a chain saw. I do have cookies though.
We didn't have any problems. When I want to be on here I have to log in like everyone else and when Sarah wants to get on I need to log off. Can't both be logged in at the same time on same computer. But we can have one on the computer and the other on the phone which is what we often do.
How about having one opened in IE and another opened in FireFox? Works for fb.
I think I did it. I am BarbInterfaith. Wow ! ! I feel like part of the gang, even if I don't have a chain saw. I do have cookies though.