ArboristSite Operative
What kind of chemical agents do you use
for chainsaw maintenance ?
Post your list ,share your knowledge and give ideas !
As being the OP I will be the first to share my list :
Carburetor cleaning spray : For cleaning the carb orifices and cleaning (once in a blue moon ) the spark plug .
Window/mirror/glass cleaner : Great for removing all kinds of dirt
from chainsaw and bars.Very gentle on polymer parts and paint.
Secret shared by a Stihl tech guy when I asked about the special cleaning spray from Stihl : "Just use glass cleaner.Trust me ."
Hi-temp Lithium grease: Just a tad on the sprocket needle bearing ,every now and then.
Silicone oil / Silicone + PTFE grease : For lubricating plastic moving parts ,like choke levers ,throttle triggers,etc.
Fuel -2T oil mix : Well,except for running the saw it can be used to
clean the whole bar/chain oiling system ,once in a while .Also straight gasoline can be very useful for degreasing the muffler.
Sodium Hydroxide /Lye : When a chain gets too dirty from resin or sap a bath in lye and boiling water will bring the chain almost in brand new state ,just before sharpening .
Wear protective glasses and gloves and avoid inhaling the fumes !
Blue thread locking agent ( Loctite or other ) : For securing studs and/or screws on lightly "abused" threads.
Molybdenum disulfide MoS2 motor oil additive : Not
really for chainsaw maintenance but as a bar/chain oil
(non-toxic) additive.Works wonders !
1/2 oz per gallon of bar oil is more than enough .
Cold weld ( JB weld ) epoxy :
Pretty useful to have around for minor repairs or carb mods .

for chainsaw maintenance ?
Post your list ,share your knowledge and give ideas !
As being the OP I will be the first to share my list :
Carburetor cleaning spray : For cleaning the carb orifices and cleaning (once in a blue moon ) the spark plug .
Window/mirror/glass cleaner : Great for removing all kinds of dirt
from chainsaw and bars.Very gentle on polymer parts and paint.
Secret shared by a Stihl tech guy when I asked about the special cleaning spray from Stihl : "Just use glass cleaner.Trust me ."
Hi-temp Lithium grease: Just a tad on the sprocket needle bearing ,every now and then.
Silicone oil / Silicone + PTFE grease : For lubricating plastic moving parts ,like choke levers ,throttle triggers,etc.
Fuel -2T oil mix : Well,except for running the saw it can be used to
clean the whole bar/chain oiling system ,once in a while .Also straight gasoline can be very useful for degreasing the muffler.
Sodium Hydroxide /Lye : When a chain gets too dirty from resin or sap a bath in lye and boiling water will bring the chain almost in brand new state ,just before sharpening .
Wear protective glasses and gloves and avoid inhaling the fumes !
Blue thread locking agent ( Loctite or other ) : For securing studs and/or screws on lightly "abused" threads.
Molybdenum disulfide MoS2 motor oil additive : Not
really for chainsaw maintenance but as a bar/chain oil
(non-toxic) additive.Works wonders !
1/2 oz per gallon of bar oil is more than enough .
Cold weld ( JB weld ) epoxy :
Pretty useful to have around for minor repairs or carb mods .