Tree Freak
You don't use the same strength for foliar treatment that you use for stump treatment. Foliar is generally around 1-2%. Depending on what you bought (there are a LOT of different bottles of RoundUp), you may have RTU (ready to use at the 1-2%), 18%, 32%, 40%, etc... Stump treatment should be around 30%. So, water. Again, you should only use a little bit around the outside of the stump. And, again, RoundUp isn't the best for to use in the fall if you are going to. RoundUp is best taken in through the leaves.
Don't know what you mean by the good stuff. Some of the more expensive stuff has different surfactants that you don't need to be paying for when you are doing stump treatments. Get the basic, plane-jane, unflavored RoundUp. Just make sure it is the right percentage....and that it is labeled for cut stump treatments.
It's like 1.5 or 2oz per gallon