chemical to kill trees?

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You don't use the same strength for foliar treatment that you use for stump treatment. Foliar is generally around 1-2%. Depending on what you bought (there are a LOT of different bottles of RoundUp), you may have RTU (ready to use at the 1-2%), 18%, 32%, 40%, etc... Stump treatment should be around 30%. So, water. Again, you should only use a little bit around the outside of the stump. And, again, RoundUp isn't the best for to use in the fall if you are going to. RoundUp is best taken in through the leaves.

Don't know what you mean by the good stuff. Some of the more expensive stuff has different surfactants that you don't need to be paying for when you are doing stump treatments. Get the basic, plane-jane, unflavored RoundUp. Just make sure it is the right percentage....and that it is labeled for cut stump treatments.

It's like 1.5 or 2oz per gallon
I haven't done that since 1991. At one point I had an applicators ticket (hack 'n' squirt/injection.)We treated thousands of remote acres in the few years that I did it. We did all wiith 2,4-D as well, Vision.
I believe vision is an industrial version of round- up. One guy would chase the saw operator with a spray bottles and a
Sandvik clearing axe ( 'D Axe') All the small diameter would be cut as well all live limbs then treated under 5 min or the cambium layer will seal over will resins and won't be effective. Forestry claimed the tree was weakest and found results were best right after it produced it's anual follage. Most all of the trees over 3" were hacked around the cambium 100% with the D-Axe, which is called frilling. The big ones we would do a very shallow double ring or girdle usually in reparien zones.
Same percentage as what ATH said.
I only follage sprayed once but I remember it was 2% and hack & sqirit was 33% I remember.

I bet you waited too long to treat?
Garlon 4 (triclopyr) mixed at 20% a.i. and you are good. Make sure you paint the stump within an hour of cutting it. Never had a problem.

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The USFS gave me Borax to treat stumps and never had a problem with it. That being said am not sure if that was all they used because it was their formula. My go to has always been Muriatic acid. Drill holes in the stump and fill it with acid and keep it filled, but it is quite a bit of work just to rid yourself of something you do not want. Thanks
2 or 3 gal weed sprayer and sprayed the stumps and branches/suckers as well as the ground all around (was wanting to kill all the grass too). I did this 3 or 4 times throughout the summer. The grass mostly never grew all summer but the poplar grew just as quick as it normally would.
Also went in with a brush cutter and chopped everything down twice to try and help kill it. (weeds and shoots/suckers (whatever they are called)

Some of them could probably be ground, though the dirt is gravel with alot of rock so I'm sure it will be really hard on a grinder's teeth. Plus I don't have a grinder.

Full strength like no water? I mixed it according to the directions, maybe slightly "hot". It was the "good ****" too, around $200 for a jug.

Don't cut anything down for quite a while that you have foliar spayed with roundup/glyphospahte. It needs time to translocate from the leaves to the roots.

For stumps apply full strength of the strongest concentrate right after cutting.
Garlon 4 (triclopyr) mixed at 20% a.i. and you are good. Make sure you paint the stump within an hour of cutting it. Never had a problem.

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If the info I have received on Garlon is accurate, Garlon 3 is time sensitive for application after cutting, but Garlon 4 is not provided it is applied in a preparation suitable for basal bark treatment ( mixed in basal oil or diesel)
I've bought a fair amount of Garlon without a license-- must depend on state/ country of residence.

I use Garlon 4 mixed in diesel for spraying cambium and bark of stumps.
I found out you can buy a lesser % garlon over the counter, we buy a stronger version which is regulated

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Tordon rtu is great.
I will also add it is worth it to get a chem license if someone is a pro that does this a lot.
Tordon 22k goes sooooo much further it is crazy. Its way more expensive per oz but a gallon goes forever.

I hadnt used it until I did a job for a guy that was a power line clearance trimmer. He had me spray his stumps on the outer ring only undiluted because there was no nearby vegetation and it made me think of all the money I could have saved over the years. Don't know why I never got a chem license.

As ATH said, the stump must be fresh cut according to manufacture specification and no older than 24 hours.