Chinese Elm

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ArboristSite Lurker
Sep 16, 2023
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These things pretty much suck here in Colorado. The one thing I found that works once they get bigger after cutting them down is to drill a 1" hole in the stump and fill it with rock salt. They never come back again and doesn't seem to affect the grass around it. Bad idea? Good Idea? What do you all think?
Thought I'd give this a bump. I got this idea from my Mother (God Rest her Soul) on our property in Northern Wisconsin. We had a thistle problem around the cabin oh, about 50 years ago and she sent me out with some pruners and a baggie of salt to cut them off. So I'd cut them as close to the ground as possible pour about a tablespoon of salt on the stub and grind it in with my heel, worked great! The second day she let me use gloves, times were different then. I told her I was using thimbleberry leaves to protect my hands the first day and after 10 minutes of tweezer work....