Very well written mate and I agree. However it is easy to point the finger at John Q Citizen for willfully buying Chinese made produce and as some have done point the finger at me for importing Chinese 365 knock offs ( eye!).
Illegally produced knock offs are not the problem as truth be known they are a very very small portion of the Chinese produced goods entering both of our countries. 99.99% of Chinese goods entering our countries are 100% legit and legal.
Seriously though the simple consumer is not to blame for all of this. Labelling laws are a shocker and despite people for example seeing "Made In USA" on their new MS261 they don't for one second think of asking ask what percentage of the saw is actually US Made. Chinese carb for example. Even if you did ask I'd bet my left nut that you wouldn't get a truthful reply from Stihl USA.
For example we have an "Australian Made" Holden (GM) Cruze car. Australian made my arse - it's 75% foreign content.
See what I'm saying? This goes way deeper than the average consumer can hope to fathom.
Yeah I have to iron the wrinkles out of the Chinese bores
See my reply above to Indiansprings. Your analogy in bold is also plain stupid - it is not that simple and trying to convince people like myself that I am one step off of being a criminal doesn't sit well. The other thing too is that quite often the only product available is now ONLY made in China - buy some US made sandshoes for example. If you saw me in the supermarket you'd probably get a big shock as I absolutely refuse to buy Chinese food due to it's dubious quality. I am constantly amazed at just how much poor quality but low priced foodstuffs are gradually making their way onto our supermarket shelves.
I have no issue buying Chinese goods when the quality is up to scratch.
Despite a massive push by many Australian businessmen to "Buy Australian" the fact remains that when times are tough, people will buy the cheapest possible produce to sustain themselves and their families. It's easy for people to jump on their high horse about things such as this but money is tight in many circles at the moment.