Odd way of doing things.
We haul tree length and then cut saw logs in the yard. The "waste" is turned into firewood.
And yup, 100 hr weeks are cake. That's only 14 hrs a day, still leaves 10hrs for sleep and other stuff.
Wow, tree length.
We harvest the logs here and then the tops just lay there unless some sorry sucker decides to cut them up for firewood.
Edit: We was meant as us michigangsters lol, the biggest tree I have personally skidded whole is a 14" black locust. I have a skidder on my tractor and it won't even pull a 14" red oak top out of where we are cutting firewood at with the branches on it

, or will the tractor
To the OP.
Some great advice in here.
Put what is most important first, family. That may mean getting the wife out to help while a friend helps with the kid if the finances are bad because you need heat.
If not, the money in fire wood is in the transportation and processing not in the wood. It takes a lot of time and hard labor to cut up and split wood for yourself. Not to mention the equipment which you already have.
I love to do all this and it sounds like you do as well. You will have to strike a balance in it all.
I have 5 kids and family is the most important.
Feeding them and keeping them warm is important.
Do you "need" everything cleaned up right away, or is that your personality type.
Clean up what is an eye sore, or bothers you the most. This seems to be bothering you

Work the stuff that will rot first suggest above. You don't like waste

Take your time and have fun with it, your a young guy with many yrs ahead, enjoy life with your family. Your to stressed out, it's only wood relax

after you tear the heck out of a top or two at a time, not during
