Thanks JPS, I am actually like you, I didn't get hurt in the sandbox, was here in Iowa while on leave, I was sent to Quantico to become a martial arts instructor at the MACE, which is the head "dojo". I didn't agree to come back to sit around and train candidates, after a year, I used a CMC ALMAR to get orders so I could deploy, they fought it at first, I requested mass, got my orders to 2/8 at Lejuene, on leave, not having much too offer a bunch of kids who had 2-3 combat deployments under their belt, I decided to train at the gym while on leave. I am responsible for the creation of the Gi Jiu-Jitsu class at Miletich Fighting Systems and a assistant Judo coach before I was called back, I was going to all classes with the pro fighters and all the formal Martial Arts as well, figured that since I have pretty much a unregulated access to any thing at the gym, (my wife grew up with Pat) I would use this time to hone my skills, hoping to teach my young little jarheads proper butt kicking skills, MCMAP (Marine Corps Martial Arts Program) is a absolute joke, Army Combatives is good-t-o go bye the way! any ways! I was 100% authorized to train Marines and do any type of program I wanted, my kids actually are the only minors ever fully authorized to train with Marines on a base in a combative situation, no weapons, just MMA stuff. On Aug 28th 2008 at the formal BJJ class, A Army Officer was a new student, did not see me before and thought I was 2, Rodrigo Uzeda(yes the legendary dude from Brazil) our Sensi, wanted me to go with this guy, told me to smoke check him, I did, he is about as big as JPS, I am very small, after the clock buzzed, we switched positions and when Rod said go, dude reached down, grabbed the back of my head and pulled a can opener on me as hard as he could, literally exploding my spinal cord,disk c-6-7, I felt them rip apart, couldn't tap, he did it way to fast and hard, with the intent of hurting me, when he let go, I went limp, took me a bit to move as my whole body was on fire. That is how I got hurt, My new command was bummed, but VERY COOL, They made me get a MRI and that sealed the deal, I was done. They put my on the fast track out, retired me and here I am. I really appreciated the honor that J.P.S. bestowed upon me, but I am not deserving of it, in no way shape or form, claim to be a vet disabled in live combat, that is an honor, that I hold very dearly to my heart as many of you do as-well, but I am not one of those few. Combat Vet, unfortunately yes. Proud of what I have done for my country, for sure. So that is my story, now that I have spilled my guts on something I rarely talk to people about, and sound like a dork, that is why I am a bucket baby! and why I need a good Arborist, I could have done anything I wanted when I got out, they pay me well, took everything I had and started up again, not thinking it would be so hard to find good people. I was a decent climber, not the fastest but I always did good work.Thats over now (the climbing part!) I guess I got back in it because there is nothing I like to do better. Love smell of bar oil in the mourning! I feel like I just wrote a novel. Hope it reads well. Sorry J.P.S. for any mis-understanding, the fact that you threw that out like that, has a honor of it's own.