Climber's workout

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Mar 5, 2004
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Can anyone recommend a routine for getting in shape for climbing? Or maybe just some specific exercises? I'm thinking pullups and any exercises that work the shoulders, traps, and lats. Any of you do anything (other than 12 oz curls) to stay in shape in the slow season? Thanks, Roger.
Climb, Rec Climb, and help with the ground work.

Other than that, pushups are excellent, as is running. Situps are bad for your back, crunches are much better. Even better than crunches is hangin by your arms (either overhead, or on a dip bar) and raising your legs straigh out in front of you making a 90 degree angle with your back and legs. Curl ups are good also, but I dont think that is the best.

For me, pushups work better if I give myself a time limit and try to beat the clock, pushes you alot harder.
I guess climbing.

I know this much - when you're sitting back for even three days, the muscles let you know it when you start in again.

Try a few weeks in horizontal hospital bed position!!

Nate will substanciate this - more than a gallon of water the night before and the morning of, kayak paddling upriver all weekend.

Balance is as important as muscle tone - the two go hand in hand and no matter how strong the upper torso is, faith in your inner ears.
There you go and make me get all teary eyed about the kayak I left behind in Texas .:(

I have worked very little the last few months, having my time taken up by school and moving to another continent.

Hitting the gym has pulled me through. If you are a footlock freak, hit the abs hard. Pull ups are great. Don't forget your legs.

The 12 oz curls are good in moderation. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy...
Rows help me a lot, then work on the forearms if you plan to run a chainsaw in the tree.

Maintain good posture, a lot of people tend to hunch foreward in this trade and get shoulder problems.

I know a number of tree guys into youga and thai chi.
You gotta stretch out as often as possible.

I had a boss tell me once that he thinks he should pay me less because I waste company time with my periodic daily stretching.

I told him it was my cigarette break. (That all the other guys always took). He never mentioned it again.


Stretching is fundamental, I agree.

Just had a quick recollection (my aching knees and shoulder and eyesight and hearing among other stuff helped think me about this just now while reading this forum topic) about how many "old" guys there are here - people I've known now for some time that are still here and still doin'. We've talked about it before on and off but the question of how we should prepare for (in this case) climbing to make it doable and such.....

got me to thinking about several of these aches and pains could very well be preventable - at least as advice coming from those who hurt and know why...from way back. In other words, what we would've done different, had we known then what resulted in now.

It's easy to start and "bull" into something when you're pumped, especially when piss and vinegar and youth are gushing not use some caution in regards to strain and things that we won't suffer from immediately. We tend to push on and might bend something that can only take so many bends - like a 19-yr smokin' line driving pitcher drafted to a farm team prepping for the Majors might throw-out his million-dollare arm. He's toast for throwing from now on.

Wait, my arm hurts, seriously. Later on the rest of it.

Underwood - you know what I'm talking about?

I know you do Tom!
muscle strength...

For me hard work does the trick/groundman, digging ditches, military, dock worker, mausoleum builder (crypts), etc...:D
Anyone ever heard of the dynaflex? It's a wrist, forearm and shoulder exerciser. I got one about a year ago (it was recommended for golfers). It's a pretty cool device. I found mine on ebay for about $15. Here is the website if anyone wants to see it:
I reccommend yoga, and Pilates is you can afford not to work 11months a year. The work we do has enough impact on ourt bodies. After 18 years doing body wrecking work I can attest to the fact that my favorite theory of "I dont need to workout/stretch I am always doing hard work"Everyone would nod their head and say "that's true" WRONG. So very wrong. Stretch alot, and stay toned, and throw those ???? cigs away.
What slow season?
One thought I heard on the subject is to consider yourself an INDUSTIAL ATHELETE. Put in that perspective it's irresponsible to try to do the job without taking care of the tools, one of which (the most important) is your body. Do the stretches and strength building excercises. Let your reading and experiece guide you and the folks here are a great resource. But DO it!
I use the dynaflex on my way to and from work. It's good stuff!

Can you start it with the string? I lost the string on like the second week. Never really needed it, I guess!

I can start it with or without the string. Without the string I just run it across the carpet. How do you start it without the string? And if you climb part time, what do you do full time?

Later, Roger.
I hit the gym alot,,,,,For comp. preperation i alternate 4 different days of 1 - Pull ups 15 sets of 10 , then hit the abs w/ some crunches, and planking,,, day 2 Legs day pick three exercises do set of 20-for warm up, set-10, set 8, set of 6 and then cut the set of 6's weight by half and go to failure , then cut the weight by half and go to failure again... Do all sets like these for all three exercises... Rest 10 min. between each exercise...You'll need it! I do all my exercises like this,,it helps build up endurance and will help you get your heart rate up, which hopefully will help you shed a few pounds....k

Day three Dips day,, 10 sets of 15. or 15 sets of 10 whichever suits you better... super set these w/ roman chair leg lifts 10 sets of 20. then rest 2 min and go again.... Do calves afterward 3 sets of15

Day 4 , Chest day. Dumbell Fly's, Incline dumbell flys', and dumbell incline bench....Do these just as i explained in the leg work out.. When finished w/ these I do some more ab work, whatever is to your liking....

Day 5 Basket ball day,,, great for cardio,, cause i hate to run....
Originally posted by TreeJunkie
Pull ups 15 sets of 10

TJ, You da monsta!

BTW, what is planking? Does anyone else work out like this guy? I guess if you want to compete you really have to work out a lot. I'm looking for more of a beginner workout, but I think I can use your routine as a guide. I think if a person didn't lose weight (fat actually) while lifting that much, they must have a serious eating disorder. Later, Roger.

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