not sure i understand your set up could you post a pic?
this is someone elses but same as mine. Runs real nice.

not sure i understand your set up could you post a pic?
thats how im going to set mine up as well but how do you get hand over hand body thrusting and pull the slack out of the rope? foot assender? foot lock?
while we are on the subject of climbing hitches, i found it interesting that there appears to be too different ways to make the blakes hitch, the tree climbers companion shows one way to tie it, and a rock climbing book i have shows a different way in which you have a carrabiner tied into the knot and parrallel to the main line which acts as a handle, and works very well the few times i have tried it
ahh yep thats the knot, its a typo in the book i guess cause they refer to it as a bachman in the paragraph, but the drawing has the caption under it of blakes knot. so does the bachman have any use in the tree climbing world, it seems to work well from what i can see but never heard of anyone using it
I have a 60" and 48" friction saver (strap and rings) you can wrap the friction saver around the spar and place a line and ride that down. I have not done it often but it has always held.