One way to do it is to set the pull line in the tree and then have the groundies rig up the blocks to put tension on the rope. Then clip on with a biner and jump off. Obviously you can't do that every time but its fun when you can.
ahh yep thats the knot, its a typo in the book i guess cause they refer to it as a bachman in the paragraph, but the drawing has the caption under it of blakes knot. so does the bachman have any use in the tree climbing world, it seems to work well from what i can see but never heard of anyone using it
never used a figure 8 before not sure how they work. when tieing in to your pull line could you use your 6 loop prussic and come down that way? other climbers i work with are all old school so i have to teach my self all the new school techs they say its just more room for error
i will def check out the book do you know of any web sites that show what the fig 8 looks like with the rope running thru it? just learned the distel and think its great
Stihl-O, Do you have a pic for everything?![]()
I already finished the internet once I am just going back through a second time