Climbing saddles

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I talked to Don @ TCI and he has a harness that adapts to a regular linemans belt.
I may get to use large D's after all. :D
With the B'ham Versatile, you can have it both ways at once. Clip in to 7 diff. loops, or use your hdp rollers. This can change many times over the course of one climb especially if doublecrotching. If I'm on gaffs on an angled lateral and tied in behind me the line comes right to my hip over my flipline for perfect balance. Show me how to do that with stationary attachments.
For those of you that use the hdp roller system, don't you ever have a problem w/ losing balance while limb walking?

For example if you are walking out on a limb and the hdp roller unintentionally slides an inch or two, that could be enough to throw me off balance and send me for a swing.

Having only used a fixed anchor point, the sliding D seems kind of scary to me. I don't want to rule out the possibility of something that I might really like, so please let me hear your comments. :)
ordered a butterfly

I've been getting my nuts smashed for the last 5 years climbing in an original buckingham master saddle. i guess I've grown used to it. Honestly it hardly ever happens but when it does you know it down to your toes. Just ordered a komet butterfly from fresco,
I'll see if its a nut cracker or not, plus I want to try a sliding d ring saddle . Too many times I'm fighting the saddle and trying to turn
my upper body to make a cut. I 'll let you guys know how it turns out. Otherwise you'll see it on e-bay!

Mike, I switched over to a sliding D saddle a few years ago. They get promoted for the increased mobility but I am, frankly, unimpressed. The difference isn't that great. It is possible to position your self somewhat differently with the sliding D but your concerns about limbwalking are partially valid. Mostly it is a matter of getting used to the different characteristics but I never have been as comfortable limb walking with the slider. They can pinch your belly.
Sliding Ds may be perfect for other climbers but personally I am not looking to buy another.
Lync, Let me hear it. I'm taking my time 'cause I want to pick the right one. Need the Jewels!:(

Stumper, I've been looking at the Arbormaster Pro Versatile. It has options to clip into I think it is 7 sewn loops or use the
roller(s). I just want to know if it's comfy for me. The closest Vermeer/Sherrill dealer is 2 hrs away. I think monkeypuzzle and I are gonna make a trip in the next week or two. :blob2:

Thanks for the input!
You can tweek the tegstraps on teh b'fly by putting some quicklinks in the connection on the front of you thigh.

Maybe someone here has the mod already and can show a picture. Or email Toney Sakket for a pic.
I love my stock bfly - thanks for the help from here.

I learned quick to adjust the leg straps tight but make sure you don't strap in anything other than your legs!!!:eek: You will know real fast when you put weight on the saddle.

I don't like the little elastic straps. They are really small and flimsy.

We have a saying about Texas - everything here will stick you, sting you, or bite you. Trees are no exception. I have had those straps snag a handful of times.
caught a butterfly

Butterfly saddle was delivered a few days ago, frankly it seems a little lightweight ( as far a durabilty and construction.. I took a non-working climb up a 40 ft maple in my back yard. The strap that the ******* slide on seems very light weight. It is a 1" wide nylon strap tripled over and stitched. I was hoping it would be as heavy as say a buckingham friction saver strap. The rest of webbing is about an 1.5 inches wide, and very lightweight. I hope it holds up. On a positive note the backpad is nice and wide and firm, the quick release buckles are fast on and off.
The hip rings are bigger then the minis on buckinghan, but a little smaller that the old style ones. No stress on the jewels.

Anybody replaced the sliding strap yet? Any ideas would be welcome. The original strap is not going to last!!!

Thanks for the input Dan. Brian sure is making his way all around the east coast isn't he. Crazy fool! I had a great time climbing w/ him and monkeypuzzle. Learned a lot too!:D

Maybe I can figure out where to try on a butterfly. I'm still taking my time shopping for a saddle. I need to deny my usual impulsive buying habbits on this one!;)
I know a number of guys who have been on a b-fly for 2-3 years.

The front strap is one of the firs things people will modify. For some it is too short, or too long. others dont like is flat webbing. Most will cut it off and put in a rope. I've seen a few guys with two ropes.

Tom had a metal bar on a swivle for a while:rolleyes:.

I think Fresco should have a part of their website shoing all the different ways guys have modifed their B-fly ;)
I don't have any trouble with the yellow strap. After trying a few differnt ways to clip into it, I settled on Kong HMS' Biners. The large uniform shape seems to work/wear well. I had a little trouble with the leg straps loosening, but once I had it set the way I like it, a little electrical tape behind the buckles help stop the creeping, and I don't have the extra strap length snaking out (I can't bring myself to cut into something I paid that much for, even if it's just to shorten up a too long strap. Maybe part of why I haven't modified mine).

The extra mobility of the sliding d hasn't made a noticible difference in my climbing, but my back sure is pleased. Not near as much twist and strain put into it.

If I had to pick something to complain about with the Butterfly, it would be that the two side d's fold in and lay flat against the strap. Because of their design, they don't swing free like the ones I was used to.

I should also say that I don't climb but a fraction as much as a lot of you guys so things like equipment wear and productivity will differ from what you would expect to see.

If I had to buy a saddle today, I'd make the same choice. Komet Butterfly.

Louie Hampton
My yellow strap just plain wore out, took about 8 months. The rest of the saddle is like new. I tied a piece of Ultra-tech to each ring with a double fisherman's knot, which allowed for easy adjusting to the perfect length, and the problem was solved.

The d rings do tend to fold back, seems like every time I go to use one, it's in the back position. Still better than the floppy ones, IMO. I am thinking about useing some elastic to keep them in the forward position, so when it is knocked back, it would pop back forward. Anyone already do this?
I heard jamming some electric tape around the bar next to the straps will keep them from folding flat. Think soemone put a tiewrap in there too.
I use tie wraps to keep from searching for the D.
The red lines in the attachment indicate the ties.
I finally bought a new saddle. It's the Arbormaster Pro Versatile from Sherrill. It has the option of using floating D's or just clipping in to the top of the roller strap. I preordered it w/ leg straps instead of the bosun seat. Did some more play climbing this weekend and like it. I didn't feel too comfortable on the sliding D, but the sewn loop attachments feel good to me. I'll play w/ the sliding D some more and it should get more familiar to me to feel the anchor roll.

My leg straps do seem to cramp my masculinity.:eek: Would loosening the straps help keep them on the back of my thigh instead of riding up?