Get good on the system you are using and go from there. As you get better, you make more money, you pick up something new and keep going.
TonyX3M Can you take a picture of your setup-
Yes, Tony. Yes I will. TreeeBing also asked to see my setup. I'll spill the beans, but first, I have gone on at long length and detail to make a couple key points, such that my intent is not misunderstood.
I use srt to get to the top of tall trees then switch over to drt once I get up there. The biggest reason for me to srt is that I have always found it to be a HUGE pain n my butt to get a clear path to the top if i go drt. But if I just tie off end of my climbing line then im on my way. I thinking setting ropes super high tends to be a pain. Although once done it can be pretty sweet. I use a big shot for the high set and that thing will really sling a throw bag. I am also amazed at how accurate it is. I also often use drt with a pantin and a handled acsender that is prusik corded back to my saddle. Then I have a blakes with a minder. This setup works well for me. I m not much good at footlocking but I also dont practice it like i would need to to get any good. I guess I started srt out of frustration with getting my line up high but yet without branches that will interfere with my ascent . Personally...I love all forms of tree climbing and think the whole thing is sweet and I would like to try out and hear about as much as I can.
So with all your experience, you must be a certified treeworker, right? If not, why not? How is you aerial rescue experience?
Cool, just saying because it has not happened does not mean it won't. Got my TW in '92 and alot has changed. If I were you, I would go for the cert tw and then the cert arb. You never know what job is just around the corner.
I am not sure what you meant about "job around the corner". But then's never know what may come up. Learning the newest techniques in aerial rescue could never be a bad thing . Even when your short on climbers to rescue, today..tomorrow may be different. Heck ...may even need to rescue some hack worken down the street someday. You NEVER know.
Let me ask you a question. You as the only climber, ( and probably no rescue climb kit, first aid,) or a groundie that can come and get you because who ever would of thought a guy like me could ever be on the end of a kick back or a brake that don't work? You got someone to come get you? The bigger you get the more people you need to look out for.
Quit trying to learn all these new tech stuff and focus on what you are doing right. You can then decide if you want to up-grade a little at a time and get to know each step. When you introduce a new tool, equiptment, or device, you train them all on it's use. I guess this was a long drawn out way of saying 'be careful'.
so what are u really tryn to say? That I have equipment I don't know how to use? Or that I am not qualified to use it? I am just not sure I follow you , like exactly what is your point? Be careful...OOOkk thanks. Maybe its your polite way of saying don't post your 2 cents if you are not part of the certified club / click that I am starting to think is a big thing on this site.
Get good on the system you are using and go from there. As you get better, you make more money, you pick up something new and keep going.
Very nice. I would think the thing about this set up is the other end of the line would be in the way of cutting/rigging, falling branches, actually, I kinda know it would.
This is the one reason I try to keep the amount of time I am working on srt to a minimum otherwise its very fluid and appealing and I would be careful about showing off your rope wrench like that. I mean we all appreciate it but maybe you should patent your idea before someone else makes 6 million off of it.
Great thread.
I understand how much faster 1:1 is versus 2:1 but isn't it true that the effort would be about the same?