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sorry bout the HUGE photo :yikes:
sorry bout the HUGE photo :yikes:
Any chance that whatever came off in the cylider did that damage when the owner tried to start it rather than when the engine was running? It would explain the lack of severe hammering if it got caught in the port when trying to start the saw. He then might have wiggled it a bit and got the piece to drop out of the port and into the muffler and freeing up the saw. The owner then proceeds to assume everything is fine and goes ahead and starts the saw and runs as usual not knowing that he has badly deformed the edge of the piston crown and top of the port which begins to scuff and seize as everything warms up.
got it back together and running...
Odd Issue though....@ WOT for about 3-5 seconds it runs VERY rich, then it starts to clean out, and almost run lean to a point where it is borderline unsafe (to me, anywayprobably 1000rpm...)
I took the carb bak off and adjusted the needle valve lever up a bit to see if it would help...not much change...
Idles good...but DOES IDLE down when on the clutch side...
Might it be time to put together a pressure tester kit?? flywheel side crank seal perhaps?????
Thanks guys!!!!
Nothing better than a vac tester and pressure supply when these type of problems show up, they can cut down on a lot of unessary dismantling and redoing of carb rebuilds. OPne of the best time savers I have around the shop.
Product liability?
"Your plug destroyed a $1200 engine. Pay up."