I'm assuming your machine is diesel? What is the machine btw? What kinda engine? If it is diesel, always make sure to run additive especially when it's cold out. Stanadyne makes the best additive around in my opinion. they say anything below 50F you should be running additive. diesel fuel can wax or gel up clogging your filters making it impossible to start without getting rid of the gel/wax. Always have a bottle of Diesel 911 on hand or some sort of de-gel deal..I always have spare clean fuel filters on hand. If the fuel gels up, you take off the filter, empty it out, put in a new filter and prime it with half diesel 911 and half treated diesel fuel that is not gelled, if you're in a pinch you can prime the whole filter with diesel 911. Dump the rest of the diesel 911 in the fuel tank. Some isopropyl alcohol can help take care of any water in the system. Then prime system as you normally would after servicing the fuel filters. If there is a lift pump with a hand primer, prime it until you start liking it. Then cycle the glow plugs or grid heaters a few times if you feel it's necessary. Always good to have the battery on a charger or being jumped by a running vehicle that is charging it or a put a booster pack on, whatever you got. If you have access to power, plug in the block heater. If you have a salamander and some tarp you can bundle it up like the above picture I posted. I've also heard of people putting a blow dryer in the intake and blowing hot air in there. Don't use ether, you will be sorry in the long run. If you do all above you should be able to get it started.