The metering lever is inside the carburetor and if not adjusted correctly can cause too much fuel to enter. Extra fuel, same air = very rich mixture. Smoke, carboned spark plug and cylinder top. Watch the clip below which may or may not be the same carburetor as your 180 but the principle is the same.Mr. Oletrapper-What are you talking about when you say metering lever? Is that something that can be adjusted on the carb?
Several people have asked about the type of oil I'm using--Stihl HP Ultra. 50:1. 93 octane non ethanol gas.
I use the same fuel/oil mixture in my Echo saw. Absolutely to problems with it.
After careful thought and consideration I've decided to invest in $13.99 worth of chinese goodness and get another carburetor. It's supposed to be here Wednesday. I'll post how that big investment works out.
Thanks for all the help!!