Logging is different from residential and week end warrior falling. Loggers use wedges to tip the tree. Retired from residential tree work, I am now just a weekend firewood warrior. On that tree I would have taken 4 sections on my pole saw and put a tag line up as far as I could get it. When the faller in question stop to insert his wedges, I would have stopped cutting, walked in a big arc out side the possible reach of the tree in case wind or something started it to tip. Secured my tag line, already done actually, and pulled the tree over. My tag lines are 120', so I'm far from widow makers and other debris. I seldom use wedges because it's so much easier to pull a tree over. Takes a little longer, but much, much safer. Just pounding on the wedge can jar stuff big enough to hurt you loose, and you are looking at the wedge to drive it in. 100+ feet away you see every thing to be seen and have time to react. Trees can throw stuff a long ways, often past the rope man, but you have time to see it coming, Joe.