I own Kubota BXs, very nice machines. I recommend going to the dealers and getting the dealer price, it is better than the websites and the financing packages are pretty decent.
Never found a used one that was a good enough deal not to purchase a new one. Looked for years.
Comments on expectations...
They are small light duty machines. The front end loader full of mulch, compost or gravel is easy, full of wet clay it is maxed out. If you get the front end loader get the quick attach. If you cannot afford the front end loader now, but think you might want one later get the hyrodrolics installed from the factory on a new unit. Much cheaper than adding them on later. The loader mechanics bolts on, hydro would require removing parts for the install.
Pallet forks, not much grunt but handy enough to own. Use them more than I thought I would. Will not move a pallet cubed with firewood, not even close. Will move hazelnut bushes with root ball around 30” diameter 12” deep with standing brush approx 5’ tall right over to the backhoe dug hole. 10 cinder blocks, 8@6”x6”x8’ rough treated posts, etc.. Not huge weight potential, but better than doing it by hand.
Front end loader and backhoe are good digging tools. Handy to have, save lots of time, wear and tear on the aging body that gets sore faster and stays tired longer.
If you get the backhoe, get the thumb, very handy with stumps, rocks, etc.. Backhoe is handy for moving brush around, can carry way larger pile than the grapple that goes on the front end loader.
The BX are mowing machines. Grass catcher works good. Heavy on the ground if you have concerns about soil compaction. R4 tires will leave track marks, tear up soft ground.
Bought one, liked it enough to buy a second one. Used both today. Only drawback, using the tractor is not exercise, so you might gain some weight. Side effect, endless list of projects and chores gets longer because capability improved.