Companies with free firewood for pickup

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I work anywhere from lower Westchester, to southern Duchess, and even go over by Candlewood Lake a lot... anybody needing wood, get in touch... I can either drop it for a couple of bucks, or you can come get it.
Anybody in OHIO???

Any body near Fremont,GreenSprings,Tiffin,Bellivue,Let me know .I'll come and get it or if you want to drop it off.Thanks.
I am a new tree service (1+ year). My 1.1 acre lot is filling up. I try to convince homeowners to keep there wood or give it away, at least until I get more land.

If you are in CT, especially around Hebron, email me and I will put you on a list to pick up free wood from our jobs, when it is available. We may be cut to 18" length or 6' - 8' logs (cut yourself), depending on how much time we have. Usually 6' - 8' logs.

As someone else in this thread said, if it hits our trailer, then its not free, unless its pine (for those with an outdoor furnace). Just want to get rid of it.


free woodchips

will deliver in westchester county in NY
Free pickings

Were bulldozing bush north east of winnipeg ,All nice stuff is harvested but windrows ,stumps,Tops are free to pick over..
we work in and around Scranton, PA. have some good hardwoods available most of the time to be picked up at site. contact me if interested.
have softwood available if anyone can use that.
Free mesquite wood 30 miles north of Dallas, Tx.

Anyone want Mesquite wood? I have piles of Mesquite, all about 6" - 12" diameter, and cut in lengths less than 8'. Many loads available for free. I am in Denton, Tx. PM me if interested.
Free Firewood In The East Tennessee Area Just East Of Knoxville. Posssible Delivery If I'm Close To Ya. You Gotta Cut Some And Split All! Contact Trevor Hunt @ 865-640-8762
Locust in Parma Hgts. Cleveland

I'll be dismantling 4 or 5 honey locusts on a tiny city lot in Parma Hgts., OH. We'll chip the brush but we can't move the wood to our yard because of the EAB quarantine. The homeowner said the neighbor may take some but there should be plenty to go around. If you're interested drop me an email and I'll try to make the connections.
i took down 4 decent sized pines 4-5 months ago, all bucked firewood length due to the proximity of my house, not split. diameters from 20" to 10" and free to anyone who wants them for kindling or an outdoor boiler. located in springfield Ma. probably 4 truckloads.
Free for the cutting ####eyville, WI

Have a bunch of cottonwood trees that need to come down. I was going to cut them for myself but the logistics just won't work for me. If time permits I will even help drop the trees and cut them up. Easy access on blacktop parking lot. There may eveb be some other woods in there as well. Have to look at what all is there.
Free firewood and chips

I always have free firewood for pickup. If you want me to put you on my list I can probably deliver to you eventually (if you are on my route). I also give away free wood chips. PM me if you are in Tulsa and surrounding and I'll put you on my list.
6 acres of fire wood

I have a person that has just over 6 acres that is going to be cleared with a machine. I do not a have the means to get all the wood out of there. I told him I would post on here to see if anyone would be able to get All the wood out of there in a timely manner so that the rest of the site work would be able to continue. The land is in Blackwood, NJ on the Black Horse Pike.
If you email me your name and phone # I will pass it on to him. Put in subject line 6 acres of fire wood please.

My email:
Too far for me to drive, but a good CL lead for anyone in the Merrimack Valley area.

Free wood - NOT pine!! (Derry NH)

Reply [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-05-19, 10:54AM EDT

There is a pile of wood, already somewhat cut up, from a couple of large trees that came down in our yard during the ice storm. We just haven't had a chance to haul it away. They are NOT pine trees. If anyone is interested, the wood is in a pile on the front lawn a couple of yards from the street at 11 Morningside Drive, Derry NH. Just come and get it!! Please be courteous about the lawn if you need to back a truck up onto it. Thanks!

Location: Derry NH
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 1178413123

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