But recently, doing crane work, the dead elm was suspended, and it spun and a piece of deadwood hit the cable and snapped. My partner wasn't wearing a hardhat, and he ran. With my muffs on I could hear the heads up, and was holding the but log where it needed to be with my left arm, and my saw dunrunnin in my right hand, and the branch came down, hit me in the forearm and broke, but left me with a great rug burn type scrape and bruise..Needless to say if it hit me in the head which is all skull and skin, it would be bad....I pride myself on never having stitches in my life, and its all about paying attention and wearing PPE....I am a hypocrite in terms I don't wear chaps or a face shield on my helmet, but I wear it regardless, and its hellped HUGE....I don't see a reason not to, I got the Husky one with the Muffs, so your saving your hearing and protecting your head...I worked with many guys who don't even wear ear plugs and are only in their 30's and 40's. and it makes me wear em more cuz they are def as ####, so long and short, PPE is there for a reason. It sucks, its uncomfortable, but so is stitches and defness.