Firewood Guy USA
ArboristSite Operative
A rick is the same as a face cord. 4x8 but no depth. A full cord is 4x4x8, so how many face cords make a cord depends on the length of the wood. If the wood is 18 inches long, then 3 face cords per cord. If they are 24 inches long, then 2 face cords per cord. If the wood is 12 inches long, then it takes 4 face cords to make a cord.
I now gather it now takes anything from 2 or 3 or 4 face cords or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 truck loads to equal a full cord. :biggrinbounce2: How interesting ! I guess it all depends on who you talk to and or what time of the day it is.
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