Cords Burned

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ArboristSite Guru
Jan 22, 2002
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Moscow TN
Just wondering how many cords of wood do members burn in a typical season. Also, used in a fireplace or stove, and also what species, ie, oak, hickory, ash?
Well I made my own woodstove that burn's 4 footers,I usually burn 4-5 cord of Oak,and Ash during a good winter...What about yourself?

Later Rob...
We have one of them soapstone type stoves. Our house is about 2000 ft with two bedrooms upstairs and one downstairs. Here in west TN I typically burn 3-4 cords a year, oak and hickory. We don't use wood exculivley (sp) too lazy to stoke at 3 am. I like my woodstove, my favorite time of the year. We won't light a fire till late October, and then not steady till mid December.
I burn about 1/2 cord a year in a stove in the bsmt. We burn it whenever we are home. Mostly oak. I only cut dead trees I can get around the neighborhood. I wish I could burn more! I am too far ahead on my wood supply and should not cut more but want to. I looked at a couple down oaks tonight I want to cut. They will rot if they are not cut soon. I have not had much luck selling wood. It is not the pretty wood people want because it is from dead trees and the bark is coming off and it may be a little punky on one side. I have no way to haul it either. If someone wants some oak in the Minneapolis MN area, let me know.

Your not the only person who's lazy when it comes to stoking the woodstove at 3am that's the main reason I made my stove burn the 4 footer's so I could throw two of them in at 10 or 11 and not have to worry about it till I get up...

Later Rob..
20 cords, Stihltech? Do you get all your heat from wood?

I'm hoping to get a woodstove for heat if I get a new house, but right now it's just a fireplace for show. Toss on some wood when somone's over for dinner, keep it burning until I hit the sack. Haven't yet figured what I burn in cords. Probably not much.

All maple, by the way. That's what most of the trees here are, and I've had luck finding ones being cut from lots or from storms.
I have a Vermont castings cast iron stove(8" flue).It was the largest I could find at the time.It takes a 26" log ,which is kiddy stuff next to what you guys up north use.I supplement my gas furnace by having it in my basement and have it piped in to my return duct so I can fire it up and then run only the fan.I burn about 4 to 5 cords a season. When I start, it burns till the warm weather comes around.It is my favorite time and theres nothing like sitting in front of the stove after dinner.Mikey
At least a cord not more than two. "Ornamental" fireplace. The wood pile is mostly oak this year with a good bit of maple, some elm (too much work, won't do that again), and the tulip poplar. I have had the house up to 82 degrees from just the fireplace. A guy I work with has a wood burning hot water furnace in his garage, he uses about 150 gallons of oil a year and 4-5 cords of mixed hardwoods. He may be burning more oil next year as he is 68 years old and slowing a bit.

P.S. I just got a cord of ash, wahoo!
two to three cords a year, in the fireplace, mostly for the ambiance
One face cord of red oak plus some cottonwood (gopherwood) I am trying to get rid of. Fireplace, mostly to toast marshmallows while the wife & I watch DVD's. Is everyone talking face cords (16") or full four footers?
3-4 cords per yr, in a Lopi Endeavor, the cleanest burning stove on the market, I think. Plus some in an insert that needs replacing with another certified stove.

I burn whatever we get from tree jobs, except the pine, cottonwood, poplar, willow, etc junk. Doug fir is very nice, big leaf maple ok, alder easy to split and burn, but low heat value; apple, cherry, locust, ash, oak, and madrona all are great. Madrona is appx 5200 lb per cord green, and 4300 dry!!)

It isn't all that cold in Seattle, but wood is all I use, haven't had any oil in the furnace for 6 yrs or so. I have a small residential lot, so the seven cords I have are stuck all over the place...
10-12 full cords in the outdoor boiler, maybe 6 more in the shop. I generally take a week of vacation just to cut and stack wood. At one time I had a side business of lot clearing, right-of-way clearing, taking out problem trees, even a little tree-surgeon work, and had all the wood I could handle...even sold some. I had 60 acres of woods at home, too.

Then my wife and I had kids and I got serious about a steady job with good bennies...took promotions that required me to be at work all day every day. Some guy moved into the neighborhood with modern equipment, insured, bonded, Arborist certification, and doesn't force his customers to wait for the weekend or afternoons off. A lot of contractors building spec homes sell the timber or firewood on the stump, and most of the folks building their own homes clean their own lots.

I'm a little ashamed, but I just paid $400 for a semi load of mostly red oak bolts...about 12 cords. I shouldn't be...I am still saving money over what the oil would cost...but it's a pride thing, I guess.
About 8 cords a year (full not face). Mixed hardwood, oak,maple,ash,cherry, and a little bit of birch. Got one of those fireplace inserts 3 years ago when the oil forecast looked bleak (and it was). Only burn oil to heat the domestic hot water(mostly). Saving about 1000 gallons of oil a year now.:cool:
Beechwood fires are bright and clear
If the logs are kept a year.
Chestnut only good, they say,
If for long 'tis laid away.
But ash new or ash old
Is fit for queen with crown of gold.

Birch and fir logs burn to fast,
Blaze up bright and do not last.
It isby the Irish said
Hawthorn bakes the sweetest bread.
Elm wood burns like churchyard mold,
E'en the very flames are cold.
But ash green or ash brown
Is fit for queen with golden crown.

Poplar gives a bitter smoke,
Fills your eyes and makes you choke.
Apple wood will scent your room
With an incense like perfume.
Oaken logs, if dry and old,
Keep away the winter's cold.
But ash wet or ash dry,
A king shall warm his slippers by.

4 cords last year, 10 on a normal year. If I had ash, I'd make lumber out of it.

15 to 20 cord a year,I have had an outside hot water furnace for about 11 years.They work great,I burn wood that I cant sell to anyone,punky,green,pine ,hemlock,birch.If it grows here,my furnace ate it.That sounds like a lot of wood but thats the only heating system that I have for my house and shop.My house is to darn big,it is a 65/32 two story,I also heat my shop with the same unit and it is 24/28.

10-12 face cord a year, like rbtree I've also got a Lopi Endeavor...couldn't be happier with it. Mostly burning oak,ash,hickory and maple.


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