Orange will go with either brand. It might be a stretch with a Wild Thing.
Guess I could dig out my Stihl or Madsens suspenders but theyre X back, Y back is all the rage this day in age. The cutters supply spenders are an exclusive local style.Orange will go with either brand. It might be a stretch with a Wild Thing.
Yes, I realize that being farther north, your days are shorter and that could make you prone to SAD and thereby a little bit behind in the fashion trends.
You did well, despite the handicap of global location. Might I suggest some bright colors to combat the dreary days we are now experiencing? A little bit more of orange (much as I do not care for it) might offset the gloom and bring out the highlights of the saw. Perhaps some matching rhinestones on the suspenders? Are they an X or a Y style? Which is the preference for you North of The Mountain People?
Nice coordinated clothing choices.
056 Kid, wait and see if we get a big snow. Then come on up and start opening roads. You'll get your fill of alder. I am not looking forward to it.
Came with the saw. Bought the saw used from a guy in BCNot to get off topic but where did you get the 3/4 wrap?
Hey Bob thanks for the fashion tips. Back in the 90's when I cut 25-30 hours a week I wore outfits more to your liking altough the fronts of everything was splatterd red from all the Cedar I used to cut but never black.Good pictures, Brian. Good job.
One thing I noticed, though...your clothes are just waaaaaay too clean. That shirt, no solid black waterproof front from the mixture of oil, dust, snoose, sweat, and being worn every day for a week? The pants were stagged off too neatly, gotta leave one side a little longer for working steep sidehills and they didn't have any rips or tears in them. They're also really clean. I'd wear pants like that to church on Sunday. If I went to church.
And that tin hat? No dents? No edge damage from being scaled out through the timber during a riggin fit?
Never mind all that color-coordinated stuff that Slowp keeps trying to shove off on us. If she had her way we'd all be wearing soft tone pastels that we put on clean every morning, spit shining our calks, and stand around singing the Lumberjack song from Monty Python while we put ArmorAll on our saws.
Anyway...good job on those trees. But get some crud on the clothes. Wash them every Saturday whether they need it or not.
Thanks Cody gets me enough fellin to keep me entertained. Yup sharp chains go thru Alder like butter. Cottan wood sure dont take to wedging just compresse the wood. Takes double or triple the wedges Doug fir takes. Hey PM me your address I got a set of Y backs I could send ya from my local shop.Good pics Brian! Looks like a fun job. I always loved how fast a guy could smoke through one of those alders when I worked in that area. Y back spenders are my preference even though I currently don't own any.
During our discussion, my suspender backs came unhooked. .
A strange thing with the Y back suspenders happened today. I have switched to my tin pants as the weather dictates that right now. It was snowing so hard, thoughts of the Donner Party entered my head.
I came upon some illegalities going on so pulled over to have a discussion with the manly men in camo highlighted with hunter orange. During our discussion, my suspender backs came unhooked. Nothing bad, in fact nobody noticed. Strange.
It is hard to have a discussion when the discussee has a snot loogie dangling off his nose....
The woods will return to normal next week, and it can't be too soon.
Looks like early winter the snows only a few hundred feet up the hillbehind us . They sure are purdy coverd in white although it makes for cold wet working.