Hey all-
After many years of hand filing and Granberg cleanups, I finally decided I wanted speed AND consistency (cue the "learn to hand file" guys), so I went and bought myself an Oregon 520-120 grinder.
I'm on my third chain (well, it's the same old stumping chain that I've ground 3 times to learn on), and have built up a few questions.
Is the chain clamp on these things supposed to be so.... ******? I have 0.50 chain in there. I have to crank it down so hard it screws up the grind angle sometimes. And even when I do get a good bite, the tooth being ground is free to rock forward when the wheel hits it! It doesn't *look* broken. It really seems like a mickey mouse setup for a $300 tool. I already trashed my already-suffering stumping chain by thinking it was clamped when it wasn't. For now I am shimming it with a piece of flashing and holding each tooth down with a screwdriver as I grind..... anyone got a good permanent fix for this thing?
Next issue, the chain advancement stop (on that same clamp assembly) really looks like it can vibrate loose. Only thing stopping it is a plastic nut and a rubber washer. I may take it apart and add a couple nuts so I can tension them against each other.
Last up, and I am sure I will get this under control as I learn a lighter touch, is that there's a lot of slop in how deep you can grind after the depth stop touches down. I don't see any reason that I won't be able to make this work by using light consistent pressure, but it goes against my reflexes to push lighter as grinding load increases.
Oh, and also I didn't like the light bulb, but I soldered in a bright as hell LED from home depot, so that's sorted!

After many years of hand filing and Granberg cleanups, I finally decided I wanted speed AND consistency (cue the "learn to hand file" guys), so I went and bought myself an Oregon 520-120 grinder.
I'm on my third chain (well, it's the same old stumping chain that I've ground 3 times to learn on), and have built up a few questions.
Is the chain clamp on these things supposed to be so.... ******? I have 0.50 chain in there. I have to crank it down so hard it screws up the grind angle sometimes. And even when I do get a good bite, the tooth being ground is free to rock forward when the wheel hits it! It doesn't *look* broken. It really seems like a mickey mouse setup for a $300 tool. I already trashed my already-suffering stumping chain by thinking it was clamped when it wasn't. For now I am shimming it with a piece of flashing and holding each tooth down with a screwdriver as I grind..... anyone got a good permanent fix for this thing?
Next issue, the chain advancement stop (on that same clamp assembly) really looks like it can vibrate loose. Only thing stopping it is a plastic nut and a rubber washer. I may take it apart and add a couple nuts so I can tension them against each other.
Last up, and I am sure I will get this under control as I learn a lighter touch, is that there's a lot of slop in how deep you can grind after the depth stop touches down. I don't see any reason that I won't be able to make this work by using light consistent pressure, but it goes against my reflexes to push lighter as grinding load increases.
Oh, and also I didn't like the light bulb, but I soldered in a bright as hell LED from home depot, so that's sorted!