Originally posted by netree
So, the power company was well within their rights to do what they did. Even so, they offered to replace the trees and pay her five bills apiece. No wonder no attorney will take up the case; she simply has no basis whatsoever.
Erik, you just flunked Reading Comprehension 101: No one ever said "apiece"; it was $500 TOTAL. Typical slimeball lowball from the utility.
I'm glad you linked that old thread; here's some of it:
"Erik, if you're pointing to teeny holes made by a little birdie and telling people "it was probably going to be dead long before it ever got near the lines"

then you are mongering fear, on the order of saying ants make trees unsafe.
That is pushing removals by exaggerating a very common little pest into Godzilla."
Mr. "Love"ll: "I just don't like people like YOU. You came here for our expert opinions, yet insisted we didn't know what we were talking about."
Erik, your opinion was wrong, but NobleZone did not disagree with you; I did. Your Ronald McDonald attacks on her make no sense; unless it's related in some way to the root pruning on the leaning elm in
Difference there of course is that the damage was part of the work designed and ordered by the owner...
What would you do if a tree that you valued highly got butchered like that cedar? Removing all that plant material for no reason and topping-destroying that ornamental was an injury that can and should be compensated, whatever the easement story is.