Nate, it's a massive improvement compared to what it was. I've seen it evolve. There are still jerks out there, but now we know who to go to (channels) if there are not enough showers for the amount of women on a fire (example).
Another problem encountered due to fires. This log would be a nice one to sit on for a snack, but only if you have black pants on. I stopped here for a snack and butt rest so didn't want to sit. Foolishly rode 44 miles yesterday. Even with an E-bike, that's a lot of miles when you haven't worked up to it. I find snacking spots and restrooms to be scarce in this area. We need bigger trees for the latter!!! And fewer fences.

Another problem encountered due to fires. This log would be a nice one to sit on for a snack, but only if you have black pants on. I stopped here for a snack and butt rest so didn't want to sit. Foolishly rode 44 miles yesterday. Even with an E-bike, that's a lot of miles when you haven't worked up to it. I find snacking spots and restrooms to be scarce in this area. We need bigger trees for the latter!!! And fewer fences.