June of 2016, my wife found a CL ad for FREE FIREWOOD, that did turn out to be a good deal for us, Marty lived about 20 miles from us, and had 5 Large trees cut down, 4 Norwegian Spruce and a Big Pine, all around 30-33" at the stump. We got there, and the trees were on the ground, limbed and bucked into rounds

some of the rounds were inconsistent in size, but there IS that looking a Gift Horse in the mouth thing and all

. Marty let us bring a splitter onto the property, drive the truck and trailer right up to where the trees were cut and laying, he even helped load a lot more than I would have expected, was very pleasant to be around, frequently offered us cold drinks, etc. We ended up with over 6 cords (Full, not Face

) Heated our house for a good part of the winter with that wood.
The CL Laugh in this story? It WASN'T the homeowner that had unrealistic expectations, it was the people calling about the ad, Marty said "You wouldn't believe how many people called, and when they found out it WASN'T SPLIT, and DELIVERED FOR FREE, they weren't interested"

, I felt we were getting a heck of a deal, and was piling debris, and he said "Don't worry about that stuff, I'll deal with it" Needless to say, I was Hoping that he had MORE trees that he wanted to go away this year, No such Luck