Crappy Stihl Cylinder - Looks like ChiCom Garbage!!!

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Hey Tom, do you know what the testing and acceptance procedure is for a saw at the Stihl factory? I mean if a saw is rated at 3hp, what does it have to make at the factory to ship?
I finaly reached the end!!! Yippee

Please don't post anymore because I have other things to do now and will only be able to continue tomorrow!

Great thread Brad! Great to stand up to the heavy critacism thrown at you!

As you said quite correctly : premium price= premium product is what I believe everyone expects.

Nope. And I read the whole thing. I can't explain why I did that and now my head hurts.

You read the whole thing, you shoulda joined in Bob, its fun to sit around and hash out non-sense, I get a kick out of it,:cheers::cheers:
This thread is still going, gotta love it, the pack gets a bone and they can't stop chewing. I can't help but sit here and laff when another man just got sent here from TCS, he was told by them to come over here and get a quote "real saw", don't waste your money on quote "that junk we sell" meaning Husqvarna. This isn't the first time , this is one of many times they have sent people away from their rack to me. Since the wolves are howeling Stihl quailty I'm proud to say its getting pretty pathtic when the folks across town are either too stupid or too embarrassed to even at least try to sell those beloved things I'm hearing have all the quality.

So keep on howeling boys while I as the preacher said in Oh Brother Where Art Thou, see you boys in the funny paper,:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:

I'll tell you exactly what it is....It's some dopey, Stihlbillie, fanboy who if his manager found out what he was doing, would be terminated on the spot. Why, because he's sending sales away from TSC because his own ignorant prejudice toward one manufacture over the other.....In other words hurting his own lively hood by hurting the company that employs him.

He is not sending customers to you for the so called superior Stihl quality reasons you are trying to pawn off. This really is an ignorant man doing this.....At least you know where your bread is buttered and will obviously protect that at any cost.

The fanboy at TSC is a fool, plain and simple....You, on the other hand are not a fool but just plain silly trying to use such an asinine example to prove your Stihl superiority propaganda. :givebeer:
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Hey Tom, do you know what the testing and acceptance procedure is for a saw at the Stihl factory? I mean if a saw is rated at 3hp, what does it have to make at the factory to ship?

Each saw is run and calibrated in the test cells. Samples from each batch are sent over to the emmisions lab and dyno. If they pass the batch or run is shipped, if any of the samples fail the entire batch or run is halted. This batch I'm talking about is usually 200 saws or more. Not every unit is put on a dyno or tested for emmisions, only the samples of each batch.
I'll tell you exactly what it is....It's some dopey, Stihlbillie, fanboy who if his manager found out what he was doing, would be terminated on the spot. Why, because he's sending sales away from TSC because his own ignorant prejudice toward one manufacture over the other.....In other words hurting his own lively hood by hurting the company that employs him.

He is not sending customers to you for the so called superior Stihl quality reasons you are trying to pawn off. This really is an ignorant man doing this.....At least you know where your bread is buttered and will obviously protect that at any cost.

The fanboy at TSC is a fool, plain and simple....You, on the other hand are not a fool but just plain silly trying to use such an asinine example to prove your Stihl superiority propaganda. :givebeer:

Temper temper. Fast if your gonna be a follower in the pack play nice. I agree with you however yeah those guys are screwing up overthere and I guess you expect me to go tell their bosses, get grip ole boy. Far as propaganda this whole thread is propaganda I assume to tear down the big boys and your part of it so what makes you the judge here on propaganda,hmmmmmmmmm
No Brad, I'm comparing the two companies as a whole, one in which some of their sellers are delibertly sending their customers to the competitor for whatever reason. This happens quite often here, I've made mention of this before so maybe you would like to explain why, can you?

Sounds familiar but, the other way round here. Can you explain why?
I still don't understand if the "discussion" is about the Stihl QC process failing one or more times or if the issue is that ALL parts from Brasil and/or China are just plain mediocre even if the work.

In my mind the former is lamentable but fixable...the latter smacks of management decision and direction and may be not be so easily fixable and could quite seriously damage the Stihl's reputation.

Not being a lumberjack I bought a Stihl because I ran across this site while trying to figure out what brand I wanted and perceived that Stihl was a quality saw and I like to buy quality tools.

It's hard to build a good reputation and harder still to restore one once damaged.
Beats me Brad but I'll tell ya this, I'll be happy to sell their customers anything they send them here for. I got some ole boy named Tony that I do not know from adam at Home Depot doing the samething, sending them here. I think whats going on is they are sick of the headache when people bring them back. I myself love it..

I can't blame you Tommy. You offer a great service to your customers. They're much better off anyway.
Each saw is run and calibrated in the test cells. Samples from each batch are sent over to the emmisions lab and dyno. If they pass the batch or run is shipped, if any of the samples fail the entire batch or run is halted. This batch I'm talking about is usually 200 saws or more. Not every unit is put on a dyno or tested for emmisions, only the samples of each batch.

That is interesting. The central message by most here that say "it ain't pretty but it functions correctly" is that the bad attributes of the casting haven't hurt anything regarding performance or service life.

Since the saw most definitely doesn't make max power at the factory, and is likely not dyno tested, there is really no way of knowing if the lousy looking casting hurt performance. I will be especially looking forward to Joat's experience with the cylinder to see what's what.
I still don't understand if the "discussion" is about the Stihl QC process failing one or more times or if the issue is that ALL parts from Brasil and/or China are just plain mediocre even if the work.

In my mind the former is lamentable but fixable...the latter smacks of management decision and direction and may be not be so easily fixable and could quite seriously damage the Stihl's reputation.

Not being a lumberjack I bought a Stihl because I ran across this site while trying to figure out what brand I wanted and perceived that Stihl was a quality saw and I like to buy quality tools.

It's hard to build a good reputation and harder still to restore one once damaged.

Good post, thats why you always have to consider the sources. Half these guys have no interest what so ever in this thread other than to pile on, some will tell you its easier to change a case than a cylinder, so much for that source. Some like ole Fast just like to torment me. I enjoy it myself. Just remember when there is a good thread about Stihl this same bunch will jump in and try to twist it, same ole same ole, gotta love it.....
Temper temper. Fast if your gonna be a follower in the pack play nice. I agree with you however yeah those guys are screwing up overthere and I guess you expect me to go tell their bosses, get grip ole boy. Far as propaganda this whole thread is propaganda I assume to tear down the big boys and your part of it so what makes you the judge here on propaganda,hmmmmmmmmm

I'm no follower and you should know that as well as anyone.....The followers are the majority (not all) of your customers who walk into the Stihlership like a hoard of drones, who are doing nothing more than buying a name they perceive to be the best, based on an excellent marketing campaign....BTW, the marketing is one of the things Stihl does with superiority over their competition and their dealer network but build quality?....We'll argue that till the cows come home.

No propaganda here on my part....I just call 'em like I see 'em....A spade is a spade with me and if you can't see the fallacy in this decision by Stihl to use this crap (for profit) regardless of the detriment of their reputation, than you're lost buddy. :confused:
Should we expand this discussion to include the sheetmetal rods gound in Stihl homeowner saws? Or the piston crowns too thin to withstand removing a clutch with a scrench?:greenchainsaw::cheers: Oh great. Now I'm doomed to read 25 more pages when I get back home in a couple hours!


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We interrupt this thread...

...for a quick look at THALL and 2K's relationship, and how it all began:

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Who knew THALL could fly?

And now back to our regularly-scheduled bashing.

It's hard to build a good reputation and harder still to restore one once damaged.

Finer words have not been spoken on this thread....Obviously an intelligent man, who should chime in more often! :cheers:

Rep, sent your way!
Should we expand this discussion to include the sheetmetal rods gound in Stihl homeowner saws? Or the piston crowns too thin to withstand removing a clutch with a scrench?:greenchainsaw::cheers: Oh great. Now I'm doomed to read 25 more pages when I get back home in a couple hours!



Good grief....Did you have to kick 'em when they're down? :laugh: