Crappy Stihl Cylinder - Looks like ChiCom Garbage!!!

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Well I seen it while I was yaking on the phone and thought whatttttttttttttttttttttt, I reacted too fast, my bad.

This thread is hardcore no question about it. I've never seen one quite like it but my gut is like concrete, gonna take a helluva lot more than a thread like this to make me back up. I do beleive Lake got tired of this non-sense and went on, that I hate. I know Eddie did. Two of the best techs in the country. Partly my fault too for digging in my heals and going toe to toe with threads like this. If this thing ever conculdes I may have to let big titles pass by from now on. Sides theres me againist you, Booker, Woodie, Fast and whoever else, almost a fair fight,LOLOLOLOL

It's not always fun being the Champ....Good night partner!....:cheers:

Welp I went back and looked again, I still haven't found what you are referring to. I thought you was talking about my reaction to Parris. Thats all cleared up. What your referring to is not. You point it out to me and I'll make it right. Disregard what I told you, we weren't on the same page buddy, my bad,:cheers::cheers::cheers:
Maybe the moderators will cut the modding threads out since it is contributing to an illegal activity and not allow that type of sponsorship to exist, if they were stand up guys they would.
I'm no lawyer so I can't tell you the legalities of it (Maybe space can help out). However, I think it should be considered by the saw builders on this site to make sure they aren't liable if someone was to get hurt with a saw they modded. I'm not sure if this would involve the customer signing some kind of contract or what it would take.

A good friend of mine used to mod a lot of his logging customer's saws along with a bunch of other race saws for people around the US he knew personally. After talking to his lawyer and finding out the potential liability he could potentially face if someone was to get hurt running one of his saws he gave up modding other people's saws completely.

I'm not trying to scare saw builders, but I"m just trying to put a word of caution out there. My buddy didn't feel it was worth the miniscule financial gain he attained from modding saws vs the potential of him and his wife losing a significant portion of what they worked their whole life over a frivilous lawsuit.
2010 all this saw building stuff is gonna ceased when the EPA starts looking at this site and see's who breaking the laws, not paying taxes on the money switching hands. Uncle Sam always ruins what most call fun. All fun and games now but wait till next year when EPA puts the hammer down.

I say screw the EPA-some of us don't care what they think. Just another tree huggin hippie *** bunch a sissies.
So you take rifles apart do you, now your on a subject I will be happy to call you out on, now exactly how do you improve their performance, got a lathe or a mill in house , if not, don't even bother replying, you just take them apart mess with the trigger, stock work, if your not truing the action, barrel, squaring the lugs, lapping them in, resetting head space, installing a after market trigger, I could go on and on, it's just like pulling the cylinder to "clean up the ports a little" you really haven't done crap other than satisfy your own curiosity.

Not recommending a Stihl entry level saw because they are junk or won't stand up to the abuse of a modder, Dolmar didn't meet Brad' requirements, don't believe he tried a entry level husky, wound up with a Red Max, most OPE saws aren't meant to crank 15k, metal fatigue and stress cause failure.
I remember reading before the failure the 180 was a heck of a little saw, even watched vids of it screaming as it was used trimming, then it came unwound, what a piece of crap, if it was modded would it still be running, more than likely.

People on this post like to have it two ways or whatever fits there position at the time. Maybe the moderators will cut the modding threads out since it is contributing to an illegal activity and not allow that type of sponsorship to exist, if they were stand up guys they would.

Well said through out the whole post but I want to comment on the modding rifles part. This is not aimed towards you. I know some of these so called "gunsmiths" and they don't have any bussiness touching a gun. One guy likes to "tune" his rifle by getting the least amount of pull to break the action, you can bump the rifle and it goes off, LOL. People like this are just asking for a AD or death and should leave guns alone or take them to a professional. Guns are alot more dangerous than saws. Stay safe fellers!
I'm no lawyer so I can't tell you the legalities of it (Maybe space can help out). However, I think it should be considered by the saw builders on this site to make sure they aren't liable if someone was to get hurt with a saw they modded. I'm not sure if this would involve the customer signing some kind of contract or what it would take.

A good friend of mine used to mod a lot of his logging customer's saws along with a bunch of other race saws for people around the US he knew personally. After talking to his lawyer and finding out the potential liability he could potentially face if someone was to get hurt running one of his saws he gave up modding other people's saws completely.

I'm not trying to scare saw builders, but I"m just trying to put a word of caution out there. My buddy didn't feel it was worth the miniscule financial gain he attained from modding saws vs the potential of him and his wife losing a significant portion of what they worked their whole life over a frivilous lawsuit.

Ya know at the very least I will "Modify" my own stuff. No government agency is gonna stop redneck ingenuity. It would be like telling NASCAR to be emission compliant-yeah right.
Still waiting for them to shut down F1, Nascar, motocross, dirt track racing and hundreds of forums on tweaking mopeds, 4x4s and street cars. :monkey:
Well I seen it while I was yaking on the phone and thought whatttttttttttttttttttttt, I reacted too fast, my bad.

This thread is hardcore no question about it. I've never seen one quite like it but my gut is like concrete, gonna take a helluva lot more than a thread like this to make me back up. I do beleive Lake got tired of this non-sense and went on, that I hate. I know Eddie did. Two of the best techs in the country. Partly my fault too for digging in my heals and going toe to toe with threads like this. If this thing ever conculdes I may have to let big titles pass by from now on. Sides theres me againist you, Booker, Woodie, Fast and whoever else, almost a fair fight,LOLOLOLOL

Now Ol boy ya know after whipping up the floor with ya I have left you alone. I have seen to many old sports figuares go on to long. The guys who left the site because of threads like this you say is totally stupid if thats the reason they left. Who really cares what the cylinder looks like. If its bad its bad. If steal starts having problems they will pay the price. Sooner or later things catch up to companies.
To many people here take things to seriously. Ive had people cry to mods about some of the things Ive done. Crud ola Ive had to put warning labels on my video's LOL. I never could understand this kind of crud. If you don't like it don't buy it. If it will piss ya off don't read it. If it will piss ya don't watch it.
Now if a man can pitch it as well as take it without getting all school girl pissy great. If ya can't stay out of the fire. I love the hit and runners. Guys on this site that don't like the dog. They come into a thread take a shot then leave and wait for the next thread. Of coarse we have the Lets talk in another language people. That come into a thread and put up there cute little sayings in french, german or some other language and think its funny.
Now tommi boy don't let alittle thread get ya all pissy. Your about the only one that can take my crud.
So you take rifles apart do you, now your on a subject I will be happy to call you out on, now exactly how do you improve their performance, got a lathe or a mill in house , if not, don't even bother replying, you just take them apart mess with the trigger, stock work, if your not truing the action, barrel, squaring the lugs, lapping them in, resetting head space, installing a after market trigger, I could go on and on, it's just like pulling the cylinder to "clean up the ports a little" you really haven't done crap other than satisfy your own curiosity. lathe and no mill, so you are correct in there is a limited amount I can do, but I have had pretty good success smoothing things out, especially with caplocks and flintlocks (I did borrow a lathe to alter the touch-hole on my flintlock, and I haven't had a hangfire since).

Want to hear about a real hack job? After tuning the lock on my flintlock I "jeweled" the surface with the eraser end of a pencil dipped in honing compound.

So what exactly are you calling me out on? The question was "would you look?" The answer was yes, and it is, for the most part, to satisfy my own curiousity, and also to see what I can do with my limited resources (and total lack of talent). Did I say I made grand improvements? No. But i do know the insides of everything I own, and where I can, I make things more to my liking in terms of fit and finish.

We all have to start somewhere...and we'll keep going if we learn to ignore the crowing of people like yourself.
I went and looked to see what you are referring to Space, seriously I don't know what your referring to, if you don't tell me I can't correct it or comment on it..

or ignore it...
or subvert it...
or divert it...
or twist it...
or spin it...
or argue against it with an unrelated point...
I think with the three builders finding several less than desirable cylinders in pro Stihl saws that we can say this was no accident. I'm fairly certain that the builders don't build pro Stihl saws in big numbers so this is not an astronomically small percentage of cylinders that aren't worthy of being on a pro saw.

I've been wanting to buy a 346 for a few months now. If I saw one cylinder on a 346 that looked like the OP's picture it would definitely change my mind on buying one. If I saw one isolated manufacturing defect that probably wouldn't change my mind on purchasing one.

I'm by no means bashing a Stihl because I think good healthy manufacturing competition makes for a better product being put out on the market. In that scenario we are all winners. By the same token if Stihl lets their quality go down and gets by with inferior quality the other manufacturers will probably follow.

The Stihl camp should contact Stihl and tell them that this is unacceptable in a pro saw. There could be some pro Husqvarna saws out there with bad cylinders too so the Husqvarna side shouldn't crow too loudly.
I think with the three builders finding several less than desirable cylinders in pro Stihl saws that we can say this was no accident. I'm fairly certain that the builders don't build pro Stihl saws in big numbers so this is not an astronomically small percentage of cylinders that aren't worthy of being on a pro saw.

I've been wanting to buy a 346 for a few months now. If I saw one cylinder on a 346 that looked like the OP's picture it would definitely change my mind on buying one. If I saw one isolated manufacturing defect that probably wouldn't change my mind on purchasing one.

I'm by no means bashing a Stihl because I think good healthy manufacturing competition makes for a better product being put out on the market. In that scenario we are all winners. By the same token if Stihl lets their quality go down and gets by with inferior quality the other manufacturers will probably follow.

The Stihl camp should contact Stihl and tell them that this is unacceptable in a pro saw. There could be some pro Husqvarna saws out there with bad cylinders too so the Husqvarna side shouldn't crow too loudly.

Good post.

Is that cylinder a disgrace to the quality stihl usually produces? Yup, no doubt. Was this blown out of proportion? Absolutely. People started accusing anything and everything without facts. Those people may be correct in their assumptions, but they shouldn't be beating their chest liek they are some God when it comes to quality without having facts or expertise to prove it. We still don't even know who made it and how bad it ran. The original owner thought it was slow, but it is slow compared to other 50cc saws. If he had tried other 026's/260's, then he has a base for an arguement.

Like you said Dan, if people want to make sure this never happens again, they need to call stihl and protest in the form of not buying any stihl products.

You are also right about how other companies can be doing this too. Spike mentioned this also. Everyone should be on there toes when putting down money for anything.
...but they shouldn't be beating their chest liek they are some God when it comes to quality without having facts or expertise to prove it.

Like you said Dan, if people want to make sure this never happens again, they need to call stihl and protest in the form of not buying any stihl products.

Whatever! You sound just like the rest of the guys on the other site. Ignore the facts and attack the person:spam::deadhorse: Besides, it doesn't take a god or an expert to see the problems with this cylinder. I really think you're better than that, Andrew. Don't disappoint me.

And like I said, I won't own a Stihl homeowner saw, and I don't have any "Stihl" cylinders on any of my saws either.
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I've done exactly that. I won't own, nor will I recommend a Stihl homeowner saw. The design is inferior and there are better options on the market from competitors for similiar money.

So what did stihl say when you showed them this 180 stuff? I must have missed that because I don't remember reading anything on it. I thought you just found replacement parts?

Are you done buying any stihl equipment? That is the only way you can not be an enabler........

Lastly, since you wouldn't work on this cylinder because it is junk; are you done modding newer Stihl saws? You have backed yourself into a corner. Since you couldn't mod this cylinder because the quality is bad, how are you gonna be able to mod any newer stihl saws? Seems all of them are effected by this quality lapse. There is no leeway in your quality analysis. It is either good or junk. I don't think you would attach your name to
junk. I don't think it would be fair for someone to ship a saw to you and then have you say it is junk and mail it back. That is just gonna waste people's time and money..........looks like it might be time to call it quits on modding other peoples saws.......surely you don't want to deal with crap like this.....
Whatever! You sound just like the rest of the guys on the other site. Ignore the facts and attack the person:spam::deadhorse: Besides, it doesn't take a god or an expert to see the problems with this cylinder. I really think you're better than that, Andrew. Don't disappoint me.

And like I said, I won't own a Stihl homeowner saw, and I don't have any "Stihl" cylinders on any of my saws either.

I am just stating it like I see it Brad, the other site has nothing to do with it. I visit and post there, that is it. I don't have anything personal against you and have always called it like I see it. I defended you over there because I thought you were getting a raw deal. Don't forget that!!!
Are you done buying any stihl equipment? That is the only way you can not be an enabler........

Lastly, since you wouldn't work on this cylinder because it is junk; are you done modding newer Stihl saws? You have backed yourself into a corner. Since you couldn't mod this cylinder because the quality is bad, how are you gonna be able to mod any newer stihl saws? Seems all of them are effected by this quality lapse.

Your analysis is not only seriously flawed, but I think meant to be an insult to Brad (correct me if I'm wrong).

Brad has never said all Stihl cylinders suck. Not once. You've 'given him a position' and now asked him to defend a position he's never taken.

Not fair, and very easy to see through.


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