IMHO opinion this post boils down to the following:
1. The cylinder is/was a pos and should have been called out as concerning.
2. The manner in which it was called out was over the top and is borderline libelous and defamatory.
3. It looks like saw mfgs cylinder source is cutting corners by mfg to a sub standard spec, proven in Stihl, potentially could be happening in Husky as they use the same source.
4.AS has become a marketing/advertising tool for saw modders that charge 200-300 to mod saws to some level of higher performance.
5. There will always be a disagreement with some on who builds the best saw, Husky or Stihl? Most members probably could careless, they run what they can get the best deal on and get good local support.
6. There should be a concern on quality of all saws regardless of brand as long as they have shrinking margins due to legal issues, epa issues, other governmental compliance issues, and increased marketing and distribution cost.
7. There is a group on AS that enjoys roasting THall, as when your at the top you drawn more fire, just like Wally World, John Deere, Exon, etc.
Some like the fun, some are jealous of what Stihl has done over the years,
Husky could be in that position in 15-20 years or sooner.
8. Saw Modders words are the gospel to a majority.
9. Chain saw mfgs. don't think much of the site.
10. Stihl should take a look at their mfg. process and make sure this doesn't continue as a trend IF IT DOES EFFECT PERFORMANCE OR LONGEVITY OR DURABILITY OR THE SAW. That issue hasn't been proven, yes it looks like hell and I wouldn't want it on a new saw purchase, but do know MY dealer would take care of a warranty claim or failure due to the cylinder or piston if it looked like that.
11. Emotions have run high on this issue some times over the personal edge.
12. Will it likely solve the issue, doubt it, I seriously think Stihl could care less if Brad supports the brand, I imagine they hope he will start supporting another. It's the same attitude most large companies have just not Stihl.
The only question/issue I really would like to know with 100% honesty was the post used to just call out Stihl or was there some, if just a little chest beating going on to draw attention to oneself to lend credibility to the status of a "saw builder" for self credibility gains, puffing the ego a little---not that there is anything wrong with it, if we are all honest we all do it to some degree concerning some facet of our life.
It would be a same if anyone left the site over this post, but I wonder if Lakeside was tired of the same old B.S. brand bashing brand, guys getting two-three hundred dollars a saw to work on them for a two or three hours while they make peanuts in comparison, having to stand behind their work and deal with the public while prohibited from modding because it's against the law and more importantly losing their franchise if it become known they are doing it at corporate.
I hope all brands don't go down this road, hope Stihl takes notice, but as I said before, I think we have seen the golden age of chain saws, I for one think my old saws, even though heavier/ little slower cutting are built a lot better than even my two year 361. I think the die is cast and we'll see it get worse before it gets better. The alternative, consumers accept higher prices for quality, most won't, as an old guy I damn sure will, it's a tool an investment that I want to hand down to my kids.
Enough digression.