Cross border purchases

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Sep 30, 2002
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Just out of curiosity, if you order a new product or saw from Bailey's or Alamia or other USA based companies, is the new product or saw warranty applicable in Canada and vise versa? This would be for saws such as Dolmar, Echo, Husqvarna, Jonsered, Makita, Shindaiwa

Stihl is obviously excluded here as we are aware of Stihl's policy on this matter.
Since the manufacturers sell world wide you would think that as long as you have the warranty papers from the original box that it would'nt matter.
toolfreak said:
Since the manufacturers sell world wide you would think that as long as you have the warranty papers from the original box that it would'nt matter.

I does. It comes down to distributor`s areas and agreements, for example, Stihl specifically will not honor the warranty of a Canadian sold saw in the US. Husky is more of a gray area.

jokers said:
Husky is more of a gray area.


I ran into the same with 35mm camera a few years ago. There are so-called 'gray market' cameras available through many mail order houses. The cameras are sold at a reduced price compared to the "official U.S" distribution channels. The warranty offered to the consumer is often bore by the mail order house instead of the manufacturer. Its an acceptable arrangment as long as the mail order house is willing to honor their obligation if a problem arises. But under these conditions the manufacturer has no obligation to the buyer, even though the product bears their name.