About three years ago I was in the market and was looking for a 50cc saw. I visited my local stihl dealer. The model I was looking at was the 271.I requested a RS chain and he went ballistic. telling me that he was not allowed to sell this chain because of the law. I told him he was full of it. I liked the saw. It was well balanced with a 16BC. Well this individual proceeded to tell me that if I used other than Stihl oil that the warranty would be invalid. Anyway I wound up purchasing a Echo CS590. More saw for the same price. I have not looked back since.
I got that deal a few years back on a backpack blower.They give an extended warranty on some equipment if you buy a six pack of HP Ultra. That is the extent of it.
If you never use any of it has nothing to do with warranty repair. If it is in the warranty period and not some obvious customer misuse we repair it.
We had a cabin accross the lake from Wurtsmith and I latter lived near KI Sawyer.Mather 76-80 Seymour Johnson 80-82 March 82-85 Griffis 85-89
How did the ultra toast two saws?.40 vs 9mm. Doesn't matter if you dont train. That stihl ultra toasted two of my favorite saws mixed at 50:1. I'll never use it again. Im using Lucas. Not claiming its the best but so far so good.
As much as I dislike Ultra, oil problems are chronic in nature and do not cause acute failures.The only saws I have seized up where running ultra hp. Could it have been a coincidence? Sure but it's not hard to just buy a different oil.