Crossing the line!

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Hey Nathan
I wish she was a tree advocate but truth is she took down a pile of trees to put in her pool!
She told me today the problem with what happened is that she bought the home for the trees and paid $750 000 CDN for it and dumped another $750 000 CDN into her landscaping and she is now looking at a common subdivision home instead of the beautiful trees she deemed important!
This issue is all starting to pan out and I am planting some native trees at my clients cost . Oh ya I donated my labour and crew for free to plant these. You got to make some sacrifices if you are going to walk the walk!
Just in case you are wondering what 1.5 million CDN is I think it is about $100.00 U.S:D
Sounds like a smart move, john. The best advertising for a tree man is doing good work and doing right by trees.

$750,000 landscape? That tells you about their expectations.:eek:
landscape expectations ???

Some people who have more dollars than sence believe they can buy a natural wood lot , have it bulldozed away , build a huge house w/pool and have it landscaped to look like a park setting ! It's to bad they don't do this with less valuable land instead of destroying what mother created. Many new sub-divisions in my location are being built in wooded areas. They destroy many good trees just to slap together some houses for a few bucks. They leave a couple of larger mature trees on the property and get more money for them because its a tree'd lot. The kicker is is that when they dig a foundation/basement on that property, they usually take out the trees roots killing the trees over time. This practice angers me because the short term gain doesn't out weigh the long term devistation.:angry: A number of you out there may have seen a small bush or wood-lot logged out or removed within a time frame of weeks or months right? How many people can say they saw a bush or wood-lot of equal size grow to maturity??? :( Nature is a ballance on many levels...what is taken from it must be replaced. Its to bad that common sence isn't tought in schools. Sorry for going off toppic, I'll feel better once I plant a tree or two. :angel:
Just thought I would update you boys !
Planted some replacement trees today for "my excuse to drink"
After all was said and done she considered us even and would not pursue this any futher
I felt relieved in away that this is finished until I met her other half in the driveway
I do mean her other half it was like talking to a male version of her:dizzy:
He really wanted to go through this all again and I was having no part of this as I am done with it.
She tells her husband to drop it and ask me my opinion on the plants in the back of his truck!
In the back are 10 Black Cedars and he asks me if they will grow along the fence?
I said they would struggle because of the lack of sunlight
He then informs me that that won't be a issue as he is removing those trees for more sun to his pool:angry:
I told them to have a great day and left with tounge in cheek
And I'm the hack!
This has been a real treat, well take care boys
Mailing Address

Hey John,

Why don't you post thier mailing address so all of us can send them some informative info about trees. I'm sure after the 500th one it will start to sink in... :D
Good thing I dont know their email or next thing would be a lawsuit on harasment!
You guys are ruthless sick mothers!


I love you guys:D
The company i work for follows a strict protocol in these situations...
get it in writing!... in the form a signed permission slip that states the work to be done as well as stating that all work is to be done according to arboricultural standards(ansi z-133)
If the client wants work done on neighbor's trees that will require crossing the property line to make a proper cut we will bid the job, draw up a contract which they will sign, and state that work is to be done pending receipt of signed permission from neighbor. we then leave the permission slip with the client and schedule the work after THEY have procured signed permission from the neighbor and have either mailed/faxed it back to us or deliver to foreman on-site. work will not proceed without written consent and if neighbor is unwilling to provide permission we can only do the best we can with the branches hanging over the client's property line, but we will not leave stubs.
Ya in hind site it is good and really in today's world it is nessary!
Problem is you have to be carefull to educate your customer that it is nothing against them and you totally trust them but!!!
What a fun industry we play in!
I will consider this because if I can't do the proper cut I won't due the work!
Walk the Walk!:D
You guest it she is back!!!!
Just got a phone call
On Sunday no less
John, I am livid just found tree taken down by my wood pile
Please explain yourself and why you took down my tree!
Now what do I do?


I dont even know where her wood pile is let alone removed a tree on her property:angry:

Mister Nice Guy has just left the building
Sounds to me, like hubby took it down and now she wants a free tree out of the deal after not liking it being gone, she is gonna push you for what ever she can get. Cut the lines of communication with her, if she sues let her now, you did what was the deal to make her happy for cutting on her tree. She just sounds like one of those people that is going to threaten just to keep getting free stuff. Don't call back. Let her make the next move. I do refridgeration work and have people get angree with me if I tell them they have to move some plants for the condensor and I tell them no they can move the plants if they want there air conditioning. I had to deal with a woman that wanted me to buy her some plants,I said no. She said she would push the issue if she had to, I said fine you told me to yank them (thats why I dont do it myself now) so I did. Haven't heard a word sense and its been over 3 or 4 years now. Thanks god that pain in my arse is gone. But thinking back maybe it would have been worth buying her some plant and planting them as close to the condensor as I could and burn the sucker up, Hmmm wonder if she still wants them :D
John, I would suggest 1 more courtesy call. Politely tell her that : "I have no idea what you are talking about. I did the planting work for you in the interest of good public relations - in spite of professional advice to do nothing since my actions initially were completely defensible.(You aren't saying a lawyer told you anything-we are pros and gave you that advice.) Please direct any further inquiries to me IN WRITING. If you wish to pursue this I will be happy to bill you for my time which you have used without compensation. Have a nice day." You'll never hear from her again.... but if she did take you to small claims court ---countersue her for theft of services. She can claim (correctly) that you worked for her voluntarily but she has a problem blaming you for anything.
Whats good for the goose...bla bla bla...! Try this: Go back and plant this woman a tree as she requested. Have her signe on the dotted line of the work order. Then within a week or two after she had forgotten about you, send her a bill!!! If you get no response, get one of those automated phone machines and set it to call her every day (say around dinner time), to remind her that she owes you money and if she doesn't pay up, legal action may be taken against her. :laugh: Just make sure that the tree you plant for her is a Weeping Willow !!!!!!!!!!!!:D So , what do ya think of this idea????
Ya in hind site it is good and really in today's world it is nessary!

I've been in this business full time for thirty years and part time for several before that. Things haven't changed. People haven't changed.

I'd bet dollars to donuts that if John consulted his solicitor, or are they lawyers in CA?. the advice he would get would follow Nick and Guy more than Rocky. There are some strange reasons about "discovery" that can be ruined by talking about things in public.

Tom-who's on some ignore lists :)
Hey you guy's will love this!

Well you remember the witch and her last accusations! I took your advice and cut communication and waited for my summons
She must have called me 6 times over the last 4 days and each call was getting angrier with my lack of phone etiquette(sorry about the spelling)
So I am back at my clients today planting some trees in her front yard and doesnt the lady drive up demanding that I go over and explain myself!.So with biting my lip I hop the fence and walk to her wood pile
She walks up and says explain that pointing at a stump on the ground.
Inside I start to laugh and with my boot I kick over a piece of log that had rolled off the firewood pile and stood up on end!:laugh:
The look was worth every bit of crap she had put me through!
I climbed back over the fence as she continued to tell me how sorry she was
I told her it was OK but it was hard not to gloat
It was a beautiful thing:D