curious about pricing

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well said treeman i don't even go close to power my self even though i was trained properly. Only because the utility company will do it for free and power scares me and if you get to know them cause we always get the same guys that will come,they do half the job for you and all that is left is the big wood which i keep any way. And clearance it is possible to climb spureless with clauks my roommate did it and my old boss still does it and he says he would not trade his boots for anything in the world. And I planted trees in BC so Clearance i know what you mean about the clear cuts and the boots sticking to the logs but there is always a way around climbing with spurs
clearance said:
He is EHAP certified, wow, whats that a one day course?.

Good point. How difficult can it be if they can teach it all in one day? :monkey:
treemonk said:
well said treeman i don't even go close to power my self even though i was trained properly. Only because the utility company will do it for free and power scares me and if you get to know them cause we always get the same guys that will come,they do half the job for you and all that is left is the big wood which i keep any way. And clearance it is possible to climb spureless with clauks my roommate did it and my old boss still does it and he says he would not trade his boots for anything in the world. And I planted trees in BC so Clearance i know what you mean about the clear cuts and the boots sticking to the logs but there is always a way around climbing with spurs
So it can be done, wow, I have never spurless climbed but you guys always stand on branches, wouldn't this be bad for the tree wearing caulks? You planted in BC huh? That must be a hellish job, I spaced for a couple of years, no walk in the park either. Where did you work? And more so why did you move back to Ont. like that never happens, once people get here they stay.
I planted Prince George, Houston, Smithers and Princeton. Why I didn't stay there cause I was studying to by a forester but got got introduce to arboriculture by friends and stayed here in Ontario. and for the clauks you can buy them with out the little spikes on the sole.
Actually, caulks would make some limb-walks a breeze.

Yes, one could easily climb "spurless" in caulks.

It would just defeat the entire point of going spurless in the first place, so only an idjit would even ask about it in the first place.

RedlineIt said:
Actually, caulks would make some limb-walks a breeze.

Yes, one could easily climb "spurless" in caulks.

It would just defeat the entire point of going spurless in the first place, so only an idjit would even ask about it in the first place.

I asked, tard, cause I have to wear caulks, so does everyone else in the bush unless they are driving a truck or running a machine, suprised you don't know that, then again maybe you are just a city boy, never been that far from a parking meter. You just keep climbing down it that big clearcut called Van. surrounded by all the crime, traffic, sprawl and general mess.
:censored: :censored:
tahufford61 said:

I recently gave bids on two tree jobs. The first one was a 35 to 45 foot oak, with two branches over hanging another house's roof and some other branches over hanging a fence. The guy want the tree taken down and disposed of. I bid $600.00 and the guy told me that I was way over priced and he found someone to do it for $200.00. What do you think, am I over priced or is someone underpricing. Second tree, it is a 50ft spruce, I bid $600.00 on it and she also said that I was way overpriced and she could get it down a whole lot cheaper. Same thing, am I over priced or is some underpricing. Thank you

I started out a few years ago and luckly on of my first jobs for a friends mother tought me about pricing. Now I have figured out what my lowest hourly rate is and estimate the job based on that rate. You must identify and know your margins because you could be making 10k a month and be spending 15k per month. Sure the gross profits look great but you would be just another ENRON in the making.

As for the childish banter on this site. I have not been a member long but in the past few months have been very dissapointed on the childish banter and bull:censored: that I have had to waste my time with in trying to educate myself in the world of arborculture. I do understand that some ribbing is fun but when you have four pages on one thread, that is a problem. To be honest I have been searching for other sites due to this problem. Personally, I do not have the time or patience for constant time wasting such as this. I recommed that a professional protocal be put in place in order to have productivity repaired and re-established. In short, identify the problem and eliminate the distraction.

My 2 cents.

Well you're wrong, again, as usual.

My caulks have been with me on crummies, buses, float planes, river barges, helos, ATV's and a horse cart to work in Mica Creek, Nass Valley, McBride, Jordan River, Edson and Close d'Leire. (You should try working the bush with horses one time, just to see how it's done.)

And REM don't require their windfirmers to climb in caulks if they voice a preference, and they are paying well on the north of Van Isle and in the Charlottes, FYI.

I just don't get the point of your question: "Is it possible to climb spurless in caulks?"

They're basically just green patch boots with golf spikes for Petes sake, unless you dished out for a long term pair of Viberg's.

They're boots to give you traction on wood. Arborists climb wood. I would think the answer falls in the "Duh-Uh" category.

The fact you asked the question in the first place, it's like you've NEVER been off the spar, never been out a limb at all, spurs or no. Anyone who knows caulks and knows climbing would never need to ask the question.


But, it would be rather pointless, wouldn't it? You damage the tree either way.


And by the way,I don't live in Van.


Redline, I have Viberg caulks and Viberg linesman boots. WCB regs say something like "workers requiered to walk on poles, timbers logs shall wear caulk boots". The point of my question was to say to the spurless snobs that even if I wanted to spurless I couldn't cause I have to wear caulks, thusly the question " can you climb with caulks?" REM are not in the Charlottes, I know guys that have worked for them, I windfirm too. You climb spurless, good for you, have you ever asked REM why they climb with spurs, or couldn't you stand the guys rolling around laughing, "spurless is for ****, try it sometime, ha ha ha" I can hear it now. No hard feelings, work safe.

I'm sorry this thread went south on you, really.

I'm one of the contributors to that, mea culpa.

It's the nature of discussion boards that topics get derailed, this Arborsite is not the worst for that, not by far.

And heck, you learned what caulks are, so maybe it's a wash.

RedlineIt said:

I wouldn't spurless a windfirming job in the bush!

Point is, I can do both.

OK, you sound like a reasonable guy, many here think it is wrong to spur any tree that is not a removal. Maybe coming from you, a man who can do both, an explanation of why spurs are the best way in the bush and why some trees cannot be spurless climbed would be good.

Fact is, it is irresponsible to spur anything but a removal.

It's just the operations in the bush haven't caught up yet.

Hit some of the threads on rec-climbing on this and many other sites. People are climbing big west coast firs without leaving a mark! The techniques exist, they are just too slow to work at the production level the industry needs.

So what should I tell the "spurless snobs" ?

It's the only way to make money in the bush? Fine!

It's the only way, Nope.


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