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rebelman said:
Clarence, you called me a cull before, but I'm a good residential guy, spikeless, standards. I average fifty feet tie in point without spikes, and you're always over one hundred with spikes, You didn't reply back when treeco accused you of doing side jobs pruning with spikes. Your rare silence was loud. I'm not much like treeminator, but I'd rather be what you call a cull than what I call a hack.
Rebelman, I believe you really are a climber, maybe I called you a cull, but I would have respect for you because you sound like a half decent guy, Treeminator would get a kick in the ass from me if I ever met him. I didn't reply to Treeco accusing me of doing side jobs with spikes, why, I climb everything with spikes, everything, never made a secret of it. I climb big trees that you cannot spurless climb because you would have to wear caulk boots and the first branches are often over 60' and the live ones at 80' pretty hard to get a line around something good and how could you spurless with caulk boots? Anyways check out what this guy has said, he must be a troll, electric chainsaws, etc., on and on, a troll.
clearance I climb big trees that you cannot spurless climb because you would have to wear caulk boots and the first branches are often over 60' and the live ones at 80' pretty hard to get a line around something good and how could you spurless with caulk boots? Anyways check out what this guy has said said:
Change the "you" in the first sentance to 'I". Its just that you dont have either the right tools, technique, or skills. This is not a dig at you personally, but just because you cant do it, doesnt mean nobody else can. Plenty of big Eucs here in Australia are higher than that to the first branches and can certainly be climbed without spurs.
trevmcrev said:
just because you cant do it, doesnt mean nobody else can. Plenty of big Eucs here in Australia are higher than that to the first branches and can certainly be climbed without spurs.
True that, but this thread was about heathy 40' oaks in Florida that chainsaw jockeys are fighting over the chance to cut down, before it descended into namecalling.:mad:

Cull, hack, treehugger, troll--what's the point?

THe best post of all was about the futility of being the 101st guy with a chainsaw, fighting for removal work. I don't know if any of you noticed, but we are aswarm with immigrants who labor cheap. If all you guys can do is climb and cut, you are doomed to fighting over a shrinking number of trees with a rising number of treecudders.

In Raleigh the number of treecudders in the yp tripled after a hurricane, and the quality of work went into the toilet. nOw it sounds like the same thing has happened in Florida. If you can't learn about tree care, you are doomed to be backstabbing over crumbs..
why has another thread gone off-topic from the original post? who cares what you think of Mr. X. and Mr Z.. let them voice their opinion instead of turning a thread completely off course? want to attck somoene or classify them in a personal classification? that is why this forum has off-topic!

sorry for the rant just sick of seeing so many potentially good threads follow the same pattern of rubbish. stick to the topic at hand not how you feel about Joe Schmoe!
A heads up:
Yes, I got all the reported posts on this thread. No, I'm not deleting anything right now. No one has broken any rules.
Hash it out, don't sink to reporting post just because you don't agree with the poster. No rule here says everyone has to agree. Just that they have to be civil.

John, the thread is not off topic. the question was answered, now it's evolving into another topic, and a better one at that.
Can't spurless everything

Treeseer, Treeco, Trevmcrev, Guys, tell me that you can spurless climb wearing caulk boots, c'mon, I want to hear it. Treeseer and Treeco, as usual like the utility threads, talking about what you know little about, armchair quarterbacks. And John 464, the original poster was given good advice hear by some, including me, untill the three Ts got involved and got stupid (not including you, Trev)
$200 is WAY too cheap for a tree like that. When you give a price, stick to your guns and hold your ground. I have occasionally amended my bid. The problem with that isnt so much the job I am doing as much as the fact they seem to refer me to eveyone and their dog. Now everyone and their dog tries to get a low price and this creates many headaches. If you felt your bid was right then that is all that matters. Just keep your pricing the same and consistant.

Why do you HAVE to wear caulks?

I mean, they're nice over old slash, but far from necessary.

I wouldn't want to fire a throwball up 100+ft with a bigshot in the bush either. One miss and I'd be an hour retrieving my line.

But what has this got to do with residential work?
you have to wear caulks cuz workers comp makes you...the company makes you...get caught without em and its back to the truck for the day with a stern warning....bit heavy and not the best for cliimbing but them's the rules...
Nickrosis said:
Wish my name started with a T. :mad:

So you could be "Tick"? or Trawford? Man your posts lately are beyond obscure; downright cryptic.:dizzy:
:cheers: Cheer up. I was referring to

clearance said:
the original poster was given good advice hear by some, including me, untill the three Ts got involved and got stupid (not including you, Trev)
Treeseer-have you figured out how to spurless climb with caulk boots yet? Have any of you?
Treeman14 said:
Does anyone, besides you, even care? :dizzy:
Listen up Planet of the Apes boy, all I hear from the Treeco, Treeseer etc.,trehuggers is how bad I am to climb with spurs, they snivel and whine away about it but they cannot justify thier arguements, can give it but can't take it, common on this site. And you, thier biach. Can you spurless with caulks, no, then shut your face.
Whoooooooo caaaaaaaares. :popcorn:

*looks around*

*thinks back*

Nope it's never ever been an issue. I put on boots and climb trees. Put spurs on for removals. Yup, that's the deal.

All this popcorn is making me hungry for some real food. I've been on this site for four years. I tell it like it is, and I'm checking out for dinner.
clearance said:
Listen up Planet of the Apes boy, all I hear from the Treeco, Treeseer etc.,trehuggers is how bad I am to climb with spurs, they snivel and whine away about it but they cannot justify thier arguements, can give it but can't take it, common on this site. And you, thier biach. Can you spurless with caulks, no, then shut your face.

It seems you're the one who can't "take it." Any idiot can climb a tree with spurs. You, however, can't climb without them. That means you're not a very good climber, period. I think it's time you accepted that fact, and get on with your life. Caulk boots? Sheesh! I could out climb you if I was wearing snowshoes, you silly little boy.
Ape Boy, Treelo, Biaches out there?

Can you spurless climb with caulks? No you can't, listen up Ape Boy, I know guys who are awesome climbers and ISA certified that climb with spurs all the time. I can pound trees down around powerlines fast, can you? Anyways, if anyone out there can climb with caulk boots or can answer the question honestly then step up.