Just a general comment I guess. I was looking for a lower dollar part for one of my saws. I went to ebay and found a US seller with the item for sale. This seller has sold approximately 33,000 items on ebay!!
My first thought was they must be offering a good deal so let's see what shipping is going to be. With shipping the item would have been $19 USD. Rather than buy I called my local Husky dealer. Their prices for the genuine part was a little over $12 + tax CDN.
I have nothing bad to say about this very reputable seller. It got me thinking though. Do people buy from these mail order companies out of laziness? Could they be like me and just assume they are getting a deal because 'it's on the internet'? I look for any excuse to go to dealers. I think I now have even more reasons.
My first thought was they must be offering a good deal so let's see what shipping is going to be. With shipping the item would have been $19 USD. Rather than buy I called my local Husky dealer. Their prices for the genuine part was a little over $12 + tax CDN.
I have nothing bad to say about this very reputable seller. It got me thinking though. Do people buy from these mail order companies out of laziness? Could they be like me and just assume they are getting a deal because 'it's on the internet'? I look for any excuse to go to dealers. I think I now have even more reasons.