Mike from Maine
Read that the ms362 is awesome!!!
Here's mine

I dropped the splined tool I bought for Poulans in the woods, but fortunately was able to find it again. It got sprayed safety orange as soon as I got back to the barn!Oh I agree, with the shoulder around the screws it makes it easier to hang that tool on the adjuster and run the saw etc. The problem is keeping track of the darn things for what they cost. If I had the ability to manufacture those things and sell 'em on the cheap (like $2.50 each cheap) I think there's no shortage of buyer's.
I dropped the splined tool I bought for Poulans in the woods, but fortunately was able to find it again. It got sprayed safety orange as soon as I got back to the barn!
I think we can all agree that Double D's are better.
I spray paint most tools with what I call ******* orange. So I can spot my tools in either of my brothers toolboxes and say "is that my tool *******?" (Probably get banned for that). Lol.
Oh I agree, with the shoulder around the screws it makes it easier to hang that tool on the adjuster and run the saw etc. The problem is keeping track of the darn things for what they cost. If I had the ability to manufacture those things and sell 'em on the cheap (like $2.50 each cheap) I think there's no shortage of buyer's.
Have you checked if the brake flags would swap from quake to the CMT 5200 just to mix up the colors a little
Why can't you just drill through the back opening through the cat all the way but not through the front cover, then widen or drill another hole in the front?
Sent from my C5155 using Tapatalk
I just use brake cleaner and compressed air - that and carefully inspecting for and removing partially attached chips from the drilling and grinding.I see what your saying (I think). Don't think it will work though. Drilling through the back opening won't penetrate the cat. Opening is at the top, cats at the bottom (from all the pics I've found). I hope to get to mine tomorrow. Most likely use Chris's suggestion. I like the clean stock look, and the simplicity is a bonus.
Chris, I was wondering how hard it was to clean out all the debris? After drilling, you mention using a die grinder. Any tips? The only thing that has me considering splitting the muffler is the possibility of stray debris dislodging after the gut job.
Im pretty sure they all swap out (starting with the 45cc Quake and up. Below 45, is different). My 45cc Blue Max was the same saw as the 45cc Quake.
And if you look at parts online, they list most parts fitting the 45cc, 52cc, and 58cc model. They make a 58cc block that you can put in the 45cc frame, or they sell the 58cc top end kit and longer rod/crank. But then you have to spilt the cases and you only save a fee bucks.
Glad to hear the dual port I ordered has NO Cat! It should arrive tomorrow. My saw is still in pieces, but should be together shortly. Had a few others saws that took priority.
Mind posting where your finding the block? Haven't stumbled across those.
Same guy that's selling most of the Chi parts.