dissecting an earthquake chainsaw

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When I was first reading this thread, I figured they'd be worth about $35, and I woulda jumped on more than one at that, but I figured I just end up with a bar and chain since these were "parts saws".

When I got my first one, it was brand new, never been used, the chain was still in the sealed Oregon bag. Looked up what these were going for new, and seen they were priced at or above box-store Poulans. I guess the question then became whether or not I would purchase a new one over a Poulan.

Before I had bought or run one, I would have said no way. For all the bad rap they get around here, the cheaper Poulan saws have served the market well for decades. I would venture to say they've cut more wood than any other saw out there. I was looking the $99 Poulan for an ATV saw during Black Friday as o8 was posting about these.

But after running one for a while and getting to know it a little better, I'd say the Quake would now at least be considered...

Course I can get 3 for just about than the price of the equivalent Poulan box store saw. That's a lot of saws and extra parts the price of one saw.... :)

Am thinking of making one of them a Swedish candle saw though, and hacking away the back part of the clutch cover....

ETA: as for dependability, I was skeptical too. An ATV saw HAS to be dependable, and start,especially during the winter, there are times that it could be the difference between you spending the night in the woods, or at home in a warm bed. I've had stuff fall on the trail behind me, and I've been lucky that it was small enough that I could hook a rope to it and pull it out of the way.

Having said that, as easily and reliably as mine have started, I'd feel comfortable depending on mine for that purpose.
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Has anybody blown one up yet? Other than the obvious cheapness, are there any real flaws in the design? Anybody feel ripped-off by the saw and it's cost? I like both of mine, but I haven't personally cut with either the 38 or the 45. But I have started both and run them

Igpoe :cheers:

I left mine down at the shop while I was in the hospital and recovering. I let the guys all run it, we heat with wood that various tree services dump off and some is downright ugly, they have chipped away at stuff as big as 36" across by cutting chunks and the only weakness seems to be a dull chain, about three gallons of mix has been put thru it. Only mods done have been a muffler mod and retune.
Soon as my hand gets better I'll be back doing some cutting with the "HUSKYQUAKE" I want to see if it will blow up under normal us :msp_tongue:
Has anybody blown one up yet? Other than the obvious cheapness, are there any real flaws in the design? Anybody feel ripped-off by the saw and it's cost? I like both of mine, but I haven't personally cut with either the 38 or the 45. But I have started both and run them

Igpoe :cheers:

I left mine down at the shop while I was in the hospital and recovering. I let the guys all run it, we heat with wood that various tree services dump off and some is downright ugly, they have chipped away at stuff as big as 36" across by cutting chunks and the only weakness seems to be a dull chain, about three gallons of mix has been put thru it. Only mods done have been a muffler mod and retune.

I've ran the 41 cc and the 38 cc pretty hard for several tanks on and off. I also let my Dad use the 41 cc for a while. The 41 cc has only the muffler mod and the 38 cc is mildly ported and MM. No problems from either one. The only complaint I have with these at all is the chain. Even brand new the chain cuts poorly. With a good sharp lo-pro chain both of these really do well for their size.

Some of the other home owner saws would have already broken the "tool-less" chain adjuster or have vibrated my hands numb. It's become the little saw I hate to love. :heart::bang:
Interesting, as I have a 142 also - it is modified with an opened up 141 muffler, but not ported. If the weather permits I hope to run them back to back, but my 142 is not slow by any means. I believe your Earthquake is muffler modded but not ported? That exhaust port is very small, much smaller than the port on the 141 - I have to believe it is a restriction.

Also, I use a lot of the chamfer chisel Oregon 91PX and find it cuts quite well if sharp. I don't think it should be limiting the saw. I know it is safety chain but the small ramped rakers don't seem to make any difference compared to loops where I removed them.

correct, just MM'd
Has anybody blown one up yet? Other than the obvious cheapness, are there any real flaws in the design? Anybody feel ripped-off by the saw and it's cost? I like both of mine, but I haven't personally cut with either the 38 or the 45. But I have started both and run them

Igpoe :cheers:

I tried leaning mine out more and more while cutting but the motor seemed to reach a limit on RPMs in the wood regardless...time port it.
The thing is, we are buying a parts saw and putting up money on a hope that the saws will run. If they don't we aren't out that much, as we know/are willing to fix them. The average person who is looking for a saw should be willing to pay more for a runner.our gambling on if they will work or being able to make them work is worth alot (35.00-75.00 an hour for a repair shop) The point is it is a $179.00 saw if the company would warranty them so $100.00 should be what they are worth after inspection, tuning and mods. Also through thebay we want to assure a buyer a runner if it is sold as such. So.......I need more. Only one so far, it feels left out, the green saws have brothers as do the creamsicles.
Also, thanks again for the introduction to these saws o8 it is rep worthy.

not a problem tile,,,, i just glad everyone is getting some decent saws,,, i have 7 watchers on the ported one i put on fleabay,, will see waht happens,,,
dang,, i miss 2 days on here and i have 3 pages to catch up on,, still sick but i am trying to catch up
Soon as my hand gets better I'll be back doing some cutting with the "HUSKYQUAKE" I want to see if it will blow up under normal us :msp_tongue:

if you stop smacking the monkey so much you wouldn't hurt your hand,, next time get farther away from the bed post:D:D
if you stop smacking the monkey so much you wouldn't hurt your hand,, next time get farther away from the bed post:D:D

I can't even do that the box knife to my hand took care of it have to wait another week to get the stitches out :taped:
Man, somebody sniped one that I had bid on this morning. Another ended at around the samer time with no bids. What's freaking wrong with people?? The bid came in late enough that is was probably a sniping program which means the bidder probably paid for that too. I have a bid on a 41cc and another on a 38cc with a 14" bar which is what I run on my little Redmax. I really hope I get that one as I already have chains for it.

Edit: there were three that ended at the same time with no bids. WTF!??!
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Man, somebody sniped one that I had bid on this morning. Another ended at around the samer time with no bids. What's freaking wrong with people?? The bid came in late enough that is was probably a sniping program which means the bidder probably paid for that too. I have a bid on a 41cc and another on a 38cc with a 14" bar which is what I run on my little Redmax. I really hope I get that one as I already have chains for it.

Edit: there were three that ended at the same time with no bids. WTF!??!

I know no one bid on the 38cc 16" that I did.
I know no one bid on the 38cc 16" that I did.

A few days ago, I was wondering why anyone would bid $25 for one of these with $22+ for shipping when there was a BIN for $40 free shipping. People are weird.

Now I see the $40 BIN with free shipping is gone. Glad I got two at that price. I even picked up one of the early ones at $35 BIN with free shipping.

Yes, yes I am gloating. It's so rare for me to get in on a good deal. Usually I hear about them JUST after the deal is gone.

Looks like this deal is starting to die?
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Just to be clear, I wasn't accusing anyone of sniping one out from under me, just venting. I can't understand why anyone would bid against somebody when there were three other ones with no bids ending at almost the same time.

As far as the deal, I bought one of the BIN $40 ones and that is about all they are worth to me. I'm always a day late and ($5) short. Lots of these with 25$ opening bids and $15 shipping aren't getting any bids. It seems like somewhere around $40 a piece shipped is what the market will bear.