I bought a barrel stove kit a few weeks ago at NT. It said Vogelzang on the box, but the kit says barrel stove on the door. I know its not the same quality as my buddies volgzang stove. Even tho its in a Vogelzang box, it looks like a US Stove
http://www.alpinehomeair.com/viewpr...from=froogle&gclid=CMPguLKv-cICFVIV7AodoRQAiQ. Kind of pissed me off considering I bought it about 350 miles from home and it was just to far to take it back. With that said, if you are going to buy a barrel stove kit, make sure the door says Vogelzang on the door and Not Barrel Stove. Even with the difference in quality, (thinner cast iron), I put the kit together and it will run you out of the shop. I dont follow instructions to well. I placed the door as high as I could and covered the small barrel bung. I removed the 2in barrel bung and installed a 2in nipple. To cover the nipple, I just cut out a round piece of metal, welded a nut to the nipple on top and ran a bolt thru it to the round piece of metal. I just push or pull the round flap for draft control. I can fill the stove with wood, close off the damper and draft, and have fire 12hrs later.