do you know what you're doing?

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That's the kind of scene that makes me think I should get certified... and have some brochure or other sales materials to distinguish my work from the hacks...
And the customer probably thought he did a good job.. [/B][/QUOTE]

wont make any differance to that type of customer whether your certified or even insured..may make you feel better in yourself ??..ive been in this picture before ive given out good honest advice ,only to see the work carried out totaley differant..99% of the time for the worse usualy they have something in mind for the tree usualy topping..i have given out ISA litrature still made no wont change that type of persons mind as there usualy ignorant..what i do is at first give proper arboricultural advice and if they still stand there uming and aring scratching there head and chin .i will knowing full well they still want the tree topped give them a price for what they want then you will see there silly faces light up.then again this week gave a lady advice on not to top but to crown thin a nice maple she took my advice and gave me the know as well as me in this game you got to be thick skinned..though sometimes you can think your banging your head against a brick wall..roll on tomorrow st patricks day :D
why is the ISA NAA uks ARBORICULTURAL ASSOSIATION and many more of the so called trade associations not doing more to promote proper tree care ?? i refuse to join any of these until i can see some customer education going on..also these organisations do not seem to work with local and national govermants on this issue...all i ever here from these organisations is a lot of hot air
Actually, the VT is for Virginia Tech, not the climbing knot. I wish more people knew about what we do, and thats why I was thinking of doing the Outside thing. I just don't know if they'd bite on an article like that. Good to hear that you got an article even though you're a small fish in a big pond. Gives me a little hope :)
rocky im like you im not realy paid to run free education paid to carry out proffesional tree care is the ISA etc department..isnt that what members pay there fees for????????????...home owners /tree owners havent a clue who the ISA are...i often laugh when i see cards /yellow page adds displaying ISA this ISA that all i think when isee this more wasted arb companeys in the uk cannot get insurance ,no company will take on new policys..and those that have already got policys have seen them treble and even quadrouple in cost putting good companies out of buissness[no insurance no work]i rang the uks ARBORICULTURAL ASSOSIATION and asked them what are they doing about this serious issue they told me there looking into it 1 year later we are still paying massive insurance bills [obviously some firms are running with no insurance] basicly they have done nothing constructive!!!!!
Before I go on a rant as to the benifits of the ISA and other organizations, I too feel that we need to promote good tree pratices to the general public, most of our time is spent preaching to the converted so to speak, but this is the same in all disciplines...

Now, and remember I am just a member too, and pay my dues bla bla, but
The ISA is an educational group, it makes no attempt to support our ins. woes, fight government policies etc. It is there as a body to foster good arboriculture within it's members ranks. It supports such efforts as the Tree FUND etc. It has the developed the certified arborist program to recognize those who have basic tree knowledge, Some municipalities requier cert for hiring or what ever but this on their own accord, bla bla bla

Your Trade organizations such as the NAA are the sword to wield here.

ISA could have a larger public educational role, but it would require effort from its members, volunteers etc.

Anyway just make sure we are grinding the right axe, and picking our battles wisely, if you want change you must pursue it.

Get on you local muni boards to inact tree ordinances, speak at local Horti society functions, etc. it's with the public we need to focus the change, and that is a hard uphill battle.

just two cents.

I really need to get back to work and get away from here today!
do you know what you are doing

ive had a few folk appear behind me asking if i know what im doing.....its really funny to say nope, just turned up and started cutting trees......

or on a sensitive woodland site just reply something like....nah, but i heard something about a road, dunno though.

the one i like is oh yes i know what im doing ive just got to put it in to i only read the book last night:D

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