Neither, scrounge nor cut my own land. Not necessary, since I volunteer (with varous saws) for local land trust and HUGE Audubon Center. Total areas involved, somewhere around 1000 acres, but who's counting?
We've been bucking huge amounts of "Sandy" blowdowns on both the above, so they can be reforested. Land Trust has Morbark 8, so anything below 8" gets chipped. The rest of that gets bucked to ~16" for whoever wants to take it home. I generally have to fight off the other guys, wanting to load my p/u with white ash, black locust, and poplar (I saw that poplar, cut it out) I've been trying to recruit any scavengers I can, on a variety of forums and neighbors who burn wood. We'll have huge amounts of wood to clean up on land trust properties for some time. Are you listening,
@MechanicMatt? Are you working on a scheme to get loads past NY DEP? We can try to bury you. Short trip onto 684.
Damage on Audubon Center woods was/is huge. Fortunately, for big (say 30+" dbh) accessible downers we have access to a skid-steer that can haul out 10-footers; they get hauled out next a parking lot for bucking to length & splitting. Plenty of big oak & hickory hangers to test out your response time and pupil responses. Fortunately, for me, a few prime shagbark hickory sticks, that I'll always make room for. Estimates there involve cutting, stacking, hauling on both their properties until at least June. Fortunately, volunteers help with pulling & stacking brush.