Does an arborist need a permit to drop a tree?

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ArboristSite Lurker
Aug 29, 2011
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In Ireland a tree over ten years cannot be dropped without a permit, I've cut hundreds of tree's now on farms and around my woodland but never got permits, the only problem I've had is the Gardai (cops) stop by when they hear the saw and ask who owns the land or general questions like that. I've seen lots of big trees coming down in my area without permits. There seems to be very little control here on trees, is it the same anywhere else? Does an arborist need a permit if they know more about the tree than the permit giver? I'm thinking that you'll only be asked to show a permit if you look like a nutcase on a rampage, if you look like you know what you're doing they leave you alone..
There are places around here where the tree huggers have gotten town councils to require permits for tree work on private property. Some even require an inspection and approval of the tree before it can come down.
Nothing here my friend, unless it is in a Conservation area. Which will lead to inspection of said trees and sometimes a watchful eye or two. Other than that no permit is required as of yet. If you approach the powers that be before they approach you, you are generally in the clear. If not, Break out the big wallet and the deep pockets. I am starting a clean up for a nearby town who had a violator. They removed 30-40 med Oaks without clearance. Overall scope to clean up, stabilize soil and replant Natural vegetation is right around $125,000. Hence do not F *** up.
There are places around here where the tree huggers have gotten town councils to require permits for tree work on private property. Some even require an inspection and approval of the tree before it can come down.

Tree huggers are really starting to piss me off around here, they hate to see a tree fall but they'll thank you for the firewood when its available.. They don't see the connection between their nice wooden floors or oak bookcase and a tree hitting the ground..:msp_mad:
Rant over:msp_smile:
we did have a whole neighborhood in an uproar once over a big white pine
shut the whole show down for like 2 hours
they finally settled for a disk of basewood each to make something from
the way i see it, a tree is property and a person should be able to do with their property as they choose
i have on occasion asked a customer why they want to remove such a beautiful old tree, occasionally i find theyre somehow mislead as to a need to remove it
i like to joke, "id much rather trim a tree, you can only cut it down once"
Tree huggers are really starting to piss me off around here, they hate to see a tree fall but they'll thank you for the firewood when its available.. They don't see the connection between their nice wooden floors or oak bookcase and a tree hitting the ground..:msp_mad:
Rant over:msp_smile:

You should post this over in the logging forum and see what happens.
You should post this over in the logging forum and see what happens.

Haha are you trying to get me in hot water? I've heard they're a bit grumpy so I'll pass on that :D Unless my hate for tree huggers somehow initiates me into their little group :)
around this neck of the woods, or lack thereof, there are a few places that require a permit most are free or like 5-10 bucks mostly they are in place to help control EAB and DED. well since that method of control didn't work I'm not sure why they still have the free programs in place since its actually costing the city money. none of the permits are restrictive you pretty much call up they come out tell you what the tree is and say have at it and if its eab or ded infected tell you need to chip onsite bla bla bla that was before though when it first hit but now they lifted most of the transport bans to county wide vs city wide
ever town here you have to get one for pruning to you have to be licensed to cut with out one its a 2500.00 pr tree fine yup got to love LI then thears the dot dont get me started:dizzy:
Haha are you trying to get me in hot water? I've heard they're a bit grumpy so I'll pass on that :D Unless my hate for tree huggers somehow initiates me into their little group :)

No not at all you would probably get twenty pages of I hate tree huggers before the night is threw.

There are a few municipalities that you need to pull a permit around here but they are few and far between mostly in the north shore.

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