Don't hate the Wraptor....

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Maybe if the thing didn't sound so gay. Just listening to it reminds me of cabling. Too bad they don't make one with a 200T powerhead.

Yeah, but then you'd be up in that hundred footer in 30 seconds instead of 60. Honestly, my faith is somewhat restored, but eventually improvements are bound to happen, whether wraptor makes them or leaves it to someone else.

I can see husky and stihl getting into this race in the future.

let's see a vid of you on a 70 ft foot lock and close up of your face at the end.

Man this place is gettin infested with bullschitters.

My wraptor is a bulline and a pully shot high in the tree than I run a climbing line through and pull the climber up with the mini , its fast and safe , than when were done we just untie the bulline and lower the pulley back to earth I have sent climbers 100 ft in less than a minute . that wraptor sounds like it is struggling in that video
Must be expensive to justify a $2500 price tag.

Not really. R&D was quite the task for Paul....and, as of a while ago, he'd only sold 124 units. The $2500 price tag, which includes a 150 foot line and rope bag, is well justified.

In fact, the Wraptor is in many ways better than the Swedish Act-Safe unit, which costs about $5500....and isn't available stateside.
Another thing to have to get you up there fast is having an old cankersore tree man as a boss standing under ya ready to jab ya in the pucker with a pole saw. They haven't made nothing to compete with that yet.
Another thing to have to get you up there fast is having an old cankersore tree man as a boss standing under ya ready to jab ya in the pucker with a pole saw. They haven't made nothing to compete with that yet.

Wow thats funny I would think that thought of someone poking you in the pucker would get you down outta the tree real fast , wow was I wrong

Here is an ascent with mini. Normally we would put a block in the bottom of the tree as well...... and I don't know why the hell he is going up without his chainsaw..... sometimes I wonder what the hell else goes on when I am not on the jobsite

Keep in mind that very skid or something similar can easily be purchased for only twice the price of your wraptor.

Ascent with skid - YouTube
I think I'm a combo, perhaps a low level arb, with a twist of high level scrooge tightwad. ;)

I get your point, part of me says, "just get one." If nothing else, get by till I can retrofit a stihl powerhead, or engineer my own chassis that will welcome one.

But I can't get past the wally world choice for a power unit. Tecumseh...really? $2500 for something with a tecumseh? What will you do when it quits? What kind of warranty do you have? The website gives me little to no real info. ( btw..I think tecumseh is native american for "Bah humbug". :jester:)

Maybe I'm wrong, that's very possible, but I doubt they became better motors since they went out of business. Maybe though, but I can't seem to bring myself to do it when that money can go to some other things more credible and reliable for now.

I'm not trying to give anyone buyer's remorse, I know alot of you guys are running them with success so far, I'm honestly glad for that, it's the only thing that has me tempted. However, there is plenty of room for improvement, and it won't be too long before someone, like stihl I hope, comes along with something that might actually be worth the money, substance wise, especially down the line.

I'm glad you mentioned the reinventing the wheel though, because it gives us a perfect example of a concept that has enjoyed much innovation through the years.

The wraptor only belongs to the concept of motorized rope ascension, not the other way around.

If Paul can do it, what's stopping anyone else from making the wraptor the model A Ford of motorized rope ascension? Or perhaps even the edsel? Not to dissolve giving credit where credit is due, but to suggest that it's the end all be all is simply a short cut to thinking.

Great concept, handy tool, but overall low quality, mostly due to the motor, at a high price. If all goes well in the next couple of weeks, I may just order one, but if winter sets in hard like they are saying before I do, there will be some long days and nights at the 80k sq ft fab shop I'm looking to help part time this winter. Don't be surprised if I'm buzzing up a rope on a stihl FS 90 conversion come spring. But I've got other projects in mind as well, like a grapple bucket for a friend's massey that I want to give him, so who really knows if I ever get around to it, but somebody will, especially if the market will bear a $2500 tecumseh powered unit.

"Time is money" works both ways.

BTW...I don't hate the wraptor, I'm just looking beyond it. I see a little bigger, a little faster, a lot better.



This says it all, a guy dissing the Wraptors viability and he doesn't even have his facts remotely straight, it is a Tanaka. And they are the best gas drill money can buy, proven just as Treevet has mentioned.

Show me one person that has bought a Wraptor that has buyer's remorse, ain't gonna happen.

All of you that don't have a Wraptor can speculate all day long and your long winded speeches still won't add up to a pinch of #### in a hail storm.

Here is an ascent with mini. Normally we would put a block in the bottom of the tree as well...... and I don't know why the hell he is going up without his chainsaw..... sometimes I wonder what the hell else goes on when I am not on the jobsite

Keep in mind that very skid or something similar can easily be purchased for only twice the price of your wraptor.

Ascent with skid - YouTube

Wraptor is far superior and safer. The climber is in control of his ascent and you don't have to cover 50-100 feet of ground to pull a guy up. It's a 1 man operation, the mini skid is a two man job. Wraptor wins again, no contest really.
Lots of time I don't have my mini on the job site. Other times I do trims alone.

I've never liked putting my life in the hands of someone else like that fellow is doing in the video. Have you ever seen what can happen if the climbers lanyard catch on a stub on the way up? I have. Reverse bungee, yee ha!(that is if the climber doesn't get pull in half, first.)

As for your climber not taking the saw with him on the way up......he's probably got as good or better of a reason than you've presented for not liking the Wraptor. :laugh:

My main beef with the wraptor is the price tag. If he would lower the price to 500 or 750 every tree guy would have one in his tool bag.

Doing trims alone....... sounds safe
My main beef with the wraptor is the price tag. If he would lower the price to 500 or 750 every tree guy would have one in his tool bag.

Doing trims alone....... sounds safe

Go and price the Tanaka powerhead as a drill, the 500-750 with a rope and a bag is not even remotely possible. The drill alone goes for around $600. $1500 maybe for a life supporting piece of equipment in it's current configuration with a rope/bag/safety strap with biner/rope cam.
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Personally that would be the price point where I would buy it. Though, I don't have a ton of use for it. If you use it every day then I suppose you can justify it. I still don't see 2500 being a fair price for what it is.

Edit: .... and I don't need the rope and what not.... I have plenty of that and I am picky about my ropes.
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Wraptor is far superior and safer. The climber is in control of his ascent and you don't have to cover 50-100 feet of ground to pull a guy up. It's a 1 man operation, the mini skid is a two man job. Wraptor wins again, no contest really.

They can save a lot of space by putting a pulley on the base of the stalk , and its not a 100ft space needed it the height of the pull that is all and the climber can stop the machine sit for a minute and let the machine take a new byte on the line , I have done this 1000xs with little or no effort on the climber I do run a heavier line though for the climber I wouldn't trust breaking a climbing line over the crotch and putting that kinda heat on it for one pulling the climber up and the machine pulling the other end thats why I use a seperate bulline like a the SRT setup than I can just lower that outta the way when he's there .....
This says it all, a guy dissing the Wraptors viability and he doesn't even have his facts remotely straight, it is a Tanaka. And they are the best gas drill money can buy, proven just as Treevet has mentioned.

Show me one person that has bought a Wraptor that has buyer's remorse, ain't gonna happen.

All of you that don't have a Wraptor can speculate all day long and your long winded speeches still won't add up to a pinch of #### in a hail storm.

Wasn't looking for buyer's remorse, I made that clear. If you bothered to read the rest of the thread before going on your rant you'd see we worked the confusion out already. My bad, I'll own that, and thank god it's not a tecumseh, I just got some bad angles on the website pics. It's not like they bragged on a tanaka, very little info. And I wasn't "dissing" on the wraptor so much, yo, as just weighing out the future of motorized rope ascension and the possibilities of something not made by hitachi. Sorry bout that.
Either way, tanaka or not, the post stands tall enough on its own merit, in principle. There will be improvements, and competition, get used to that. And don't be surprised if future wraptor models don't have a chinese engine. They don't mind doing it to their chainsaws, what makes the wraptor immune? Nothing.

I'll likely grap a wraptor now...while the japanese engines are still around, but when those run out, I hope someone has come along to fill the gap and give the chicoms a run for...our money.
I'ved used pulleys but in no way did they compare to my wraptor I took down two dead oaks today 2 hours then back on deer stand and was not even sweaty. The price bit me but really its very inexpensive in the long run. It will save me tons of fuel money and this is something you young bucks will learn, this chit gets harder as you age. I 'm not saying I can't climb using the other techniques but am saying my longevity was greatly increased and production as well using the device. Oh and the cool factor sells too baby:) It also may save your life in the event you become injured it will make it easier to get you down :monkey: The price was in the patent process and perfecting safety and as a semi daily user it's safe as any thing tree related can be. It's even safer than my bucket which is why you hear me wraptoring more lately I will save the bucket for the 110 degree days.
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I'ved used pulleys but in no way did they compare to my wraptor I took down two dead oaks today 2 hours then back on deer stand and was not even sweaty. The price bit me but really its very inexpensive in the long run. It will save me tons of fuel money and this is something you young bucks will learn, this chit gets harder as you age. I 'm not saying I can't climb using the other techniques but am saying my longevity was greatly increased and production as well using the device. Oh and the cool factor sells too baby:) It also may save your life in the event you become injured it will make it easier to get you down :monkey: The price was in the patent process and perfecting safety and as a semi daily user it's safe as any thing tree related can be. It's even safer than my bucket which is why you hear me wraptoring more lately I will save the bucket for the 110 degree days.

Was wondering when you'd weigh in....your motor made in JAPAN too? Just wondering if they all are so far. I'm thinking about calling Paul in the morning to see if I can be assured to get a japanese motor on mine.

I like the concept, but I'll wager before too long that someone comes along with something better, for less, or at least makes it worth what the market will bear. Can't believe so many are so touchy about that. Must own stock in hitachi, wraptor, or both.

Can't help but wonder if knowing what guys will pay for a grcs has influenced the same exact price.
Was wondering when you'd weigh in....your motor made in JAPAN too? Just wondering if they all are so far. I'm thinking about calling Paul in the morning to see if I can be assured to get a japanese motor on mine.

I like the concept, but I'll wager before too long that someone comes along with something better, for less, or at least makes it worth what the market will bear. Can't believe so many are so touchy about that. Must own stock in hitachi, wraptor, or both.

Can't help but wonder if knowing what guys will pay for a grcs has influenced the same exact price.

Now see I can't see spending all that on a gcrs as my porty big does an ok job for catching loads. I would buy one if I did not already have a twenty ton winch with bollard. I would prolly buy one if I had extra funds but I am honestly glad I bought my wraptor as its a labor saver.
They won't get any cheaper until sales drop, and I doubt they've stopped climbing. When the sales drop, then it's time to go after the rest of the world that was waiting for the price to drop. Prices won't drop until then. Think about how expensive computers and CD players were at first automobiles too.

If I were a guy like ropensaddle, I'd clip a radio to a worker, and clip the worker to the Wriptor, "n away ya go." He won't even ask for much money because he get's to ride up a tree on the thing. Go further and clip two or three workers on wraptors, and direct operations.

"And man they're fast!"


Maybe I'm just dreaming.
Now see I can't see spending all that on a gcrs as my porty big does an ok job for catching loads. I would buy one if I did not already have a twenty ton winch with bollard. I would prolly buy one if I had extra funds but I am honestly glad I bought my wraptor as its a labor saver.

Right, I don't see $2495(WesSpur) in a grcs either, I can't remember who it was that built one from scratch to have a second unit, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't all that hard and they were glad they did. Not all arborists are that handy, or like vet, have the time. To them I suppose it is worth it, and rightly so, but I don't think that means we all have to just get happy, fall in, and buy one if we can build our own or find other options. Nor do I think there is anything wrong with being critical about the pricing when you know there isn't nearly that in time, materials, profit margin, and what not. On the other hand, often it's not a matter of just being cheap, but rather enjoying the satisfaction of crafting something together with your own tools and knowledge and seeing it work for you.

I'm catching nice enough wood with my 3/4 in bull, a shop made large porty, and a fiddle block. I'll progress and get a better system one way or another, but for now it does the trick. I can easily go grab a porty, but it was a fun rainy day project with a mentor and it's proven as good as any.

I guess my position in any case is that of encouraging innovations and healthy competition. That's what made this country strong once, but maybe it's just a sign of the times that one should get any guff for invoking such talk. To suggest that something can be improved upon, made stronger, faster, and better, and heaven forbid in my own shop for substantially less, or be critical of the current offering in any way and invite such gnashing of teeth is troublesome to say the least. It's no big deal to me, whatever soothes such trying times. Perhaps it's mostly simple projectionism, but I digress.

I'm not threatened by being wrong where I'm wrong, I'm fairly thick skinned and don't mind learning, I would though that others not be so threatened wherein I might be least in principle and/or in spirit.

I don't think the wraptor is a POS, but I don't think it's a $2500 apex product either. I guess when you are the only one on the hill, you can claim king for the time being. It's the beginning, and not a bad one at that, but nevertheless, just the beginning IMHO.

They won't get any cheaper until sales drop, and I doubt they've stopped climbing. When the sales drop, then it's time to go after the rest of the world that was waiting for the price to drop. Prices won't drop until then. Think about how expensive computers and CD players were at first automobiles too.

Good point, but competition from various manufacturers also plays an important role. It tends to trim the fat, and give options, some good, some bad. Everything from knock off Chinese junk, to American made quality, to German engineered refinement, just to name a few.

The first gen wraptor has a Japanese made engine as I’m told, so that’s good. Looking at the tanaka offerings, I wonder why not take advantage of their 40cc powerhead. Maybe Paul will, I’ve got to believe that a man capable of such a device has plans for a wraptor 2, or various models. I just hope that in the meantime, tanaka doesn't shift the rest of their motor manufacturing to china as they have some already. That would be a discouraging turn of events I should think.
Vet is right about those tanaka drill motors BT, from everything I've ever seen or heard they last forever. I bought the stihl gas drill myself, but that was just because I was being cheap (also because I'm not a big fan of cabling).