B, didn’t have a leg to stand on legally or he would have never posted on a public forum. Attorneys are like sharks, they know all the angles and also know to tell a client to shut their mouth on public forums if they stand to make a cent. A sharp attorney can figure the angle and get blood from a turnip! I figure B was out the cost of the machine because of bad choices, probably quite a few.
I believe, B has not been taught by his elders what personal accountability, personal responsibility, self respect, dignity and integrity mean. It’s really sad, and I really am disappointed that B’s recourse was not to look himself in the eye and tell himself “hey I f-ed up, I gotta figure out how I can make it better”, but his recourse was to lash out and attack the manufacturer. He tried to cost the manufacturer as much money as he could by tainting any public forum he could. Trying to sway any opinions of the product and hurt the manufacturer. Personal accountability, personal responsibility, self respect, dignity and integrity, I hope that you and I take the time to teach anyone and everyone in our families what these things mean. God Bless everyone and have a blessed Holiday!